Eye of the Storm

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Stupid masked man, I think as I make my way updecks. Why does he have to give me stress? I just want to meet Thomas and...wait, what? I stop on the stairs. What do I expect when I meet Thomas? A kiss? We're not even a thing! I guess I just wanna see him again. Ugh, why do feelings have to be so complicated?

I start to cough a bit as I meet Aaron, who apparently is on shift today. He's shifting through some papers, which seem appropriate. 

"Hey Aaron, when are we getting to Greenal?" I cough out. Stupid Greynal pollution. Aaron looks up at me, eyes wide.

"Woah James! You should be down there resting! Or at least tell your mother, she was hysterical for the past few nights." Aaron tells me. I wave my hand in front of him, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah yeah, but when are we getting to Greenal?" I say impatiently. Aaron groans.

"Don't know."


"We don't even know where Greenal is!"

"So what's the plan!?"

"I don't know, you're supposed to be the leader here!" We both groan and I lean over to his main map. The map showed the general area of ocean near Greenal, but no outsiders knew exactly where Greenal is. Aaron and most likely others had circled areas, but then crossed them out. There are only two more areas to search, but they are on different sides of the map. Great. I pour into the map, wondering which area of ocean holds Thomas, I MEAN Greenal!

"James! You should be resting!" I hear Maria behind me.

"Yeah yeah heard it, lived it, loved it." I say not really paying attention. I stare at the map. Which area is calling me? The one on the right seems to be.

James! The one on the left! It's the one on the left!

What is that? It sounds like... the masked man. I look at Aaron. He didn't seem to have heard it. Guess it's in my head. I face back down to the map.

Oh my god James, it's the one on the left!

The masked man screams in my head. How is this even possible!? Whatever. Guess we're going to the left.

"Okay, let's try that place!" I say determinedly, tapping the left area. Aaron looks at the map.

"Sure, but we better check with the others first." he shrugs. George comes up deck, and doesn't seem to be suprised to see me.

"Good James, you're up. Where are we headed?" he asks, coming up to us.

"Uh, here." I tap the left area again. George nods and walks away to the prow of the ship. Aaron shrugs, I guess everyone is a code word for George. He starts to turn the ship to the direction of the left area. I smile. Hopefully the masked man is right, and I'll be seeing Thomas soon.

"Guys!" George shouts. I turn to see a huge storm coming our way. Lightning flashed through the sky, and I covered my eyes with my arm. UGH! Stupid masked man! 

Hey I'm still right! That storm is the only thing separating us and Greenal. Or, to put it in your terms, it's the only thing separating you and Thomas! It's just my magic.

With that, I have enough courage to carry on. Wait, did he say magic?

"Onwards Burr!" I shout. Aaron looks at me as if I was a zombie.

"Have you lost your collective mind!?" 

"Just do it!"

Forget about the whole magic thing. Behind that storm is Thomas. With his cute laugh, fluffy hair, and his smile which is just, subtle and perfect and real.

Guess we're heading into the eye of the storm.

Time skip brought to you be meeee! Masked man!

Phew, we've made it through the storm. And there it is. Greenal. We're actually here. From what I can see, it's green. Super green. And I can see hills, streams, and a small village incorporated into a forest. I wonder where Thomas lives. 

As we get closer, I can see someone on the beach of Greenal. Could it be... no...THOMAS! 

"Aaron, how much longer?" I yelp at him, grinning.

"Uhm, uh, like half an hour?" I groan and walk away. Guess I'll wait it out on the prow of the ship.

Thomas, I'm coming.

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