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"James, come out of your room. I know you're still recovering, but you should be doing something." Aaron sighs, knocking on my door. It's been 2 days since we left for Greynal and I have done nothing but worry about Thomas. Even now I'm worrying whether they would've tortured him like they did to me or not. I really hope not. I groan. Might as well busy my mind or something. I get up from bed and open the door.

"Fine." I grumble, walking past Aaron, not even looking at him. Hey, I've got nothing against Aaron, it's just that I miss Thomas. A lot.

"Perfect!" Aaron grins, walking in front of me. I look at him curiously. "Cus we're here!" He says happily, while I yelp in surprise. So soon!? I mean, I'm pretty much healed but, I don't want to see Thomas in whatever state he's in. But I want... no, I have to make sure he's okay. I take a deep breath.

"Let's go get my boyfriend back."

"And Maria!" Peggy walks in the hallway to us.

"Hey Pegs." Aaron greets.

"Yo." Peggy nods at  Aaron, then me. "Are you ready?" I nod nervously. Peggy smiles.

"Sweet. Rovan says we're meeting upstairs to discuss the battle plan." Peggy and Aaron walk up the stairs, and I lag behind. Battle plan? I-I'd rather stay unseen. This is a rescue mission after all. "C-mon James you coming?" Peggy half turns to me. I shake myself and run to catch up to them. We walk up decks together, and I see everyone standing in a circle and Rovan talking quickly. I immerse myself in the crowd.

"Okay so, Laf, Alex, John and Herc, you four lead the first attack when we dock. Then we'll all go in and try to find out where they're keeping Thomas and Maria. Oh James, you're up. We're nearly at Greynal, less then a kilometre away. Ah, one more-" Rovan is interupted by a foghorn, and we all shake and loose our balance. I see John fall over before Hercules and Alex help him up. Suddenly a voice, which sounds like it's from a megaphone, comes from...Greynal. That must be one megaphone, since Greynal is one kilometre away.

"Hello. I am Gordon D, leader of Greynal. One of my businessmen has captured your third in command, Thomas Jefferson. Hand over $10,000,000 and we will him let go peacefully." The voice, Gordon D, says. Peggy shouts and stamps her leg on the deck, and I must admit, I stomped my feet too. They can't just put Thomas on a ransom, like he's just some object!

"What about Maria!" Peggy yells. I doubt Gordon can hear her, but apparently he did.

"As for Maria Reynolds,"

"Maria LEWIS." Peggy screams.

"Whatever. As for Maria Reynolds, she will be safely returned to her husband." Gordon continues. Peggy glowers in anger. I frown. Who does this Gordon guy think he is? Some king? He's just the leader of Greynal. He's supposed to help his people and keep the peace between other countries! I grind my teeth in anger. We need to rescue Thomas and Maria. Before they do anything to them. And I mean anything! "You need to send one of your crew members to deliver the money, and we'll hand over Thomas. So? What's it gonna be?" Gordon says. We all huddle into a group circle.

"What's the plan? Because we aren't paying, and we must get Thomas and Maria back." I whisper fiercely, and Peggy nods. Rovan thinks, before George speaks, huh, I had barely noticed that George is here, he blends in quite well.

"We must able to sneak us in somehow, maybe go around the back of Greynal? No wait, sorry, there's city over there too." George looks down at the deck thoughtfully. We stand in silence, all of us thinking. I'm just thinking of how we can track down Thomas when we get into Greynal. Hey, it's important.

"Hey, why don't I just teleport some of us into the heart of Greynal." Jeffduck proposes. We all mutter in agreement.

"But who?" Angelica asks. Man, I forgot that she and Eliza were here too. Jeffduck frowns.

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