Freaking businessmen. And freaking Maria.

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It's Sunday, and that means food sharing! James and I reach the town square, and it seems this week we'll have to share our hard earned food with those businessmen. Yippee. I grind my teeth as I make my way to Rovan and Jeffduck. 

"Thomas thank goodness you're here! Apparently these businessmen aren't buying, they're selling. Jeffduck has already sent out the message, but just go make sure no one tries to buy anything behind our backs." Rovan tells me. I nod and make my way though the crowd, back to James.

"Alright babe, let's go shopping for traitors." I whisper to James. 

"We're shopping for milk and meat." He says while giving me a funny look. I sheepishly explain Rovan's mission to us. He nods as we walk though the sqaure, James looking for food and me for traitors. We stride past a businessmen run store, and I glance at the shelves. I see stacks of...Mac'n'cheese. Uh oh. Uuuggghhhh....I haven't eaten Mac'n'cheese since high school...and it looks sooo good...but...must stay true to Greenal...uuuggghhh. James sees my internal crisis and glances at the stall. He sees the Mac'n'cheese, and tries to block it from my view.

"No Thomas! No Mac'n'cheese! Do it for Greenal!" James waves his hands, trying to block the cheesy deliciousness known as Mac'n'cheese away from my prying eyes. I shake myself out of my daydream (eating mac'n'cheese for the rest of the day) and continue forward. I'm doing this for Greenal. For Greenal. My Greenal. My home. I glance at James. Our home. I don't look back at the stall. My mum always said I would outgrow my Mac'n'cheese phrase. I...I guess I just did. I don't... feel good. But I know that if I eat that Mac'n'cheese I will feel even worse.

Time skip

Ugh, Monday. Also known as the worst day ever. I make my way to work grumbling. I pass an odd looking building, and I stop. It's a grey rectangle one room with no windows. Weird, this looks like it's made outta concrete. We..don't have concrete. Suddenly, someone comes out of an practically invisible door. Oh's Reynolds. I attempt to continue on my way casually, but Reynolds stops me.

"Hey! Buddy, pal. Yesterday I saw you eyeing some Mac'n'cheese at the market. We have some free samples of the cheesy stuff in there," He points to the grey building behind. "It's our headquarters, see. All you gotta do, is give us some infomation on this island. Like, what animals live here? What type of trees? You see, spruce is very popular in the market these days...anyway! So, you in?" Reynolds grins a wide, award-winning smile, and I just roll my eyes.

"Yeah, as if I would betray Ceasar and all of Greenal. No thanks, mister sell out." I continue on my way, happy that I was able to resist the cheesy temptation. Now, let's tell Rovan about this.

Time skip

Rovan listens intensely as I tell him about Reynolds, the grey building, and the questions he was gonna ask if wasn't for my amazing resisting skills. After I finish, he sits quietly, thinking.

"Thomas, first of all, thank you for telling me this. I knew I shouldn't of let these people on Greenal, all they want is to buy this paradise and turn it into a factory ridden, smoke smelling dump!" Rovan growls fiercely, his face contorted. I nod, yikes, I don't like this scary side of Rovan. "Welp, off to work then!" His frown turning into a way-too-happy-to-be-going-to-work grin. We both leave his office and head to the forest, ready to start the week. Ugh, I can't wait to get home to James.

Time skip

Finally! Home! Food! James!

"James!" I yelp as I jump on him happily.

"Hey Thomas!" James says as he tries to hold me up but fails. We both fall on our bed giggling like crazy. "Was work really that boring?" He asks, and I sigh dramatically. 

"Without you being near me, life always is." I announce, flailing my arms in the air. James starts laughing crazily. We laugh and joke, and then I lean down and peck him on the lips. James blushes, and I kiss him again. It becomes a full on make out session when-

"Hey James, I was wondering if I could borrow OH MY GOD I SHIP IT!" Maria's voice rings though our house. I leap up and James rolls over on his pillow groaning. I see Maria climbing up from the trapdoor entrance. Why didn't I lock the door? At least she's okay with it. "Oh my god I had my suspicions, but I wasn't sure, I had to ask Jeffduck but he didn't say anything, and oh my god did I mention that I ship it?" Maria starts ranting on and on. "I mean, it was a huge pointer when i found that photo of Thomas in James's luggage back on the boat, but I mean you two were best friends so I didn't think much of it and-"

"Wait you were looking through my luggage!?" James's head peaks up from the bed. Maria nods absentmindedly and keeps ranting. I sigh, this could take a while.

Time skip

"So you're saying, I just made the discovery of a lifetime, and you want me to keep it a secret!?" Maria shrieks, because we just asked her to keep our relationship a secret. I facepalm while James tries to think something up.

"Well, you know Reynolds, he could like blackmail us, and Hamilton could too, just, please don't tell anyone." James says. Maria nods thoughtfully.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. Reynolds is a homophobe." She says. My ears pop. A homophobe? That's even worse! Oh he better not find out, I hate to think what he could do to James and I. Especially James. I clear my throat.

"Alright, now that thats all done and...done, I have to make dinner for James and I. Soooo..." I say. Maria gets the hint and we say our goodbyes. She leaves, and I turn to James, scratching my neck. "So, you wann-" James cuts off by pecking me on the lips. He smiles at me, and my heart goes boom. James's smile is just so pure and innocent, I love it!

"I'll make dinner Thom," He says soothingly. "You relax, work must've been hard today." James gently pushes me back onto our bed, and I stretch out while he walks over to the kitchen. My boyfriend is the best.

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