Picnic Date

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I fixed my shirt collar nervously as I waited outside our treehouse. This is James and mine's first actual date. Since we're the only ones who know we're dating, (And Jeffduck) we can't go anywhere public. So we're heading for a picnic at the waterfall. James has gone upstairs to get the basket. Now it's up to me to make sure we have the first best date ever, and I have no idea what I'm doing.

I can't believe what I'm about to do.



I need help.

I know. Just stay calm, comment on what he's wearing, flirt, carry the basket, and when you're out of sight of the public hold his hand.

Okay, okay. Wait, how do you know all this?

You have no idea how many dates I've observed.

Okaaaay. How many were gay?

One. This one.

Then how can I trust you?

What choice do you have?

I sigh, good point. I hear James coming down the ladder so I stand up straight and smile. He's wearing a blue T-shirt and jeans, and looks AMAZING.

"Hey, Jemmy. You look fabulous, as usual" I flirt as James blushes and we start walking. I reach down to grab the basket from his hands. James obliges and we walk in comfortable silence. We reach the edge of town, and that means forest from here on. I hold the first branch out for James to pass through.

"Thanks Thom, such a gentleman." James giggles as I blush SLIGHTLY. My face totally didn't go completely red. Totally. Ahem, anyway it took us half an hour of walking to reach the waterfall. When we got there, waiting for us is a unpleasant surprise.

"Hamiltrash." I growl as I see him as the edge of the cliff. Maybe I can push him off. He'll be fine. Hamilton spins around, annoyance on his face.

"Jeffersnake." He snaps back. I walk up to him angrily. Maybe I'll throw a banana at him. I have plenty after all.

"Why are YOU here Hamiltrash? All you do is mess things up!" I shout. Ugh, he's gonna ruin the date! Hamilton's face goes red.

"Why am I here? Why are YOU here with a picnic basket!?" He shouts back. We start bickering before James stops us.

"Alright enough! Thomas, this place belongs to all of us. Hamilton, we're just having a picnic like we did with our other friends back in high school." He lies slightly. We didn't have other friends in high school. It was just us. And we never had a picnic in high school, but I understand why he lied. I glare at Hamilton and he glares back.

"Fine." I say.

"Fine." Hamilton replies. James breathes a sigh of relief. Hamilton leaves, thankfully. I put down the basket and lay the blanket down on the lush green grass. I sit down with James and we eat lunch as we watch the ocean down in the bay. I sigh happily. Nothing can get better than this.

"Thom, guess what?"

"What Jemmy?"

"You have to guess! Jeeze." James says, and I chuckle before thinking.

"Hmm, you have a ham sandwhich with Hamilton on it so I can throw it over the cliff?" I suggest. James blinks before bursting into laughter. My heart swells in happiness.

"No no, the answer is this." James leans in and kisses me. My eyes widen in astonishment. I kiss back. I-is it too early? I mean, J-james doesn't seem to think so. Uhm...

We continue.

I pull away, blushing, as we run out of air. James looks away, blushing as well.

"Uhm, er, yeah erm." I stutter.

"Y-yeah, that was that was erm, uh." James stutters back. We sit there in awkward silence.

"That was nice." We both say softly. I shift my hand over his. We look at each other. I stare at James's chocolate brown eyes, as we both lean in again.


I move away and James does as well, JEFFDUCK WHY!?

Sorry, I just choked on my popcorn.

"Your what!?" James says out loud, annoyed.

I'm eating popcorn.

"Why?" I ask, also annoyed.

What don't you eat food when you're watching your favourite shows? Weren't you eating popcorn at the musical performance six days ago?

I groan. He has a point.

Yes. I do.

"Go away Jeffduck!" I yell into nowhere. I hear grumbles before nothing. I take a breath before facing James again. "So, should we finish that kiss or-" I'm stopped by James's lips on mine. I close my eyes as I melt into the kiss, and I shift my hand onto his again.

Best date ever.

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