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Thomas holds me tighter, his chest rising and falling quickly.

"Goodbye Jeffduck..." I hear him mutter. I can't believe it. Jeffduck was the reason we found Greenal. Jeffduck was the reason why our relationship blossomed. Now it's all thrown out the window. Another white blast causes me to nuzzle into Thomas's chest. Not that I'm complaining. Heh, usually Jeffduck would jump in and say something...but...

Time skip

My eyes flutter open as I recall what happened. Greynal...Magic...Jeffduck. Jeffduck! I groan as I get off of Thomas. Where are we? The sun is just above the horizon, so it must be morning. It appears Jeffducks's...last blast took us away from Greynal.

"Jemmy? What happ-oh right." Thomas sits up, holding his head with one hand. I help him up, and we share a quick hug. "I can't believe he's gone." Thomas whispers.

"Me either. But we can't think of that now." I whisper back. We pull away from the hug. I turn to see Rovan stumbling around, shaken. Oh man, he and Jeffduck were best friends. Oh man...

"So um...Thomas, James. Check on the others, and...get them to start rowing." Rovan says shakily. His eyes are tired, and I can already tell that Jeffduck's death will affect him the most.

"Um...sure." I reply. Thomas and I walk downdecks to the infirmary. Even before I reach it I hear the sound of panick. Seems normal enough. I walk in to see the Schuyler sisters shouting, and Maria too, is shouting.

"What happened!?" shouts Angelica, looking very frustrated.

"Where is Jeffduck!?" yelps Maria.

"Why is Jeffduck!?" yells Peggy, with a slight grin on her face.

"Everyone shut up! You're upsetting Magic." Eliza pats Magic on the head, who is looking very confused.

"Um guys...Jeffduck sacrificed himself." I say quietly. They all fall to silence, and Peggy's grin is wiped off her face.

"What does that mean?" Magic asks, a puzzled expression on his face. I gulp. Before I could say anything, Thomas waves his hand in front of me.

"Ahh it means Jeffduck has moved house! And erm...we won't be seeing him again. Yeah." He butts in. Thank god. I had no idea what I was going to say.

"Yeah...Schuyler Sisters, Maria, Rovan wants you to start rowing." I explain. They nod.

"Oh dear, Rovan..." Eliza mutters, crestfallen. They go upstairs with Magic, faces still solemn. Even Magic is sad for Jeffduck, who is 'moving house.' I look at Thomas sadly. He takes my hand and squeezes it softly. I take a deep breath. We walk together through the boat. I overhear some voices coming from one of the dorms. I nudge Thomas and we venture there. I slowly open the door and in that room, there is CHAOS. Alexander and John are pretending to fight each other with sticks, Lafayette is shouting in French, a huge smile on his face. Hercules is spinning a stick round and round. Aaron is just kinda sitting there, while George is trying to stop Alex, John, Laf and Herc from doing...that. George's face lit up when Thomas and I entered.

"Good James you're here! I've been trying to stop this for about two hours." George huffs. Two hours? Thomas and I must've passed out for longer than I thought.

"Yeah, er, Rovan wants all hands on deck, so you guys better get to the rowing place or whatever. By the way,, Jeffduck..." Thomas falters. I take a deep breath and carry on.

"Jeffduck sacrificed himself." I say. The room falls silent.

"Wait, I mean, what?" Aaron splutters. I nod.

", we should get to work." George changes the subject. He quickly explains how there's 8 seats in the rowing area, and Thomas mentions that the Schuyler sisters and Maria are already there. And Magic. Of course. Although Magic is too small to row. "Alright, that's four, so Alex, John, Herc and Laf, you're on duty." George says. There are shouts of complaints as Thomas and I exit the room. I sigh deeply while heading to my room. Thomas follows me. I enter my room and sit on my bed. He sits next to me and puts an arm around my shoulder.

"Still can't believe it." I mumble. Thomas nods.

"All he wanted was his fill of cute gay stuff." He says, and we both laugh bitterly. I face Thomas and hug him. At least we're together. Thomas holds me as the boat sails back to Greenal.

Time skip

"C'mon guys, we're here." Rovan sighs, opening our room door. Man, he sounds terrible. Hope he's okay. I get off my armchair as Rovan leaves.

"Thomas? Let's go." I walk over to the bed and shake him a little.

"Whaa? Mmm...five more minutes..." Thomas mumbles, shifting in the covers.

"Thomas we're here! At Greenal! Do you want to live the rest of your life on this boat?" I shout, a few giggles escaping my mouth. "Without me?" I add. Thomas eyes snap wide open and he the bed. I laugh as I help him up. "Now are you ready to go?" I ask Thomas. He nods, and slips his hand in mine. I blush, and we head upstairs. What? Blushing is a habit. Don't question it. Once we reach up decks, I turn to see Greenal just, there. The white pristine sand just waiting for us to walk on it. Far up the beach, a crowd is beginning to form, all smiling people waving at us. I wave back a little. I take a deep breath of the fresh air as Thomas squeezes my hand. I smile at him. We walk onto the beach, together, holding hands, smiling at all the people. I see a few of them give each other strange looks, and my feeling sink. But then their looks disappear, and they're all smiling.

"Welcome back Mr Jefferson!" A old man greets. Thomas smiles and thanks him.

"Do you even know him?" I whisper.

"Nope." Thomas whispers back. We share a grin and we go home. Back to the treehouse. I glance back to see the others being congratulated for going on the rescue mission. Heh, if only Jeffduck was here.

I go up the familiar ladder of our house, Thomas behind me. I look around our home, and everything is wrecked. The bookcase has been tipped over, the bed's straw covers ripped, and the house a overall mess.

"Alright Thomas, we've got some work to do. Thomas?" I turn around when I don't hear a reply, then Thomas hugs me.

"Now that we're properly alone, did they do anything to you? Did they hurt you?" Thomas voice is laced with anger and worry.

"I-they- erm..." I reply, embarrassed. Thomas's eyes widened. " about you? Did they hurt you?" I say softly, playing with his hair.

"Well, besides the day they came, no. Still, where are you hurt?" Thomas pulls away, and inspects my arm.

"Uh, Thomas?" I ask when he pulls up my sleeve revealing cuts and bruises from those darn 'businessmen.' He starts to shake. "Thomas?" He yanks me close, removing any space from our lips. I start to blush heavily, I just can't help it.

"I'm never letting you get hurt or abused like that ever again." Thomas mumbles. I nod.


Maybe everything will be fine. Maybe Jeffducks death wasn't for nothing. Maybe me and Thomas can make this work for the rest of our lives.

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