Escape? Nope.

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Remember, the chapters in Act 3 alternate. We're in Thomas's perspective now.

I groan as I slowly open my eyes. What happened? James and I...Reynolds...Ah. I remember. But, what happened after I got knocked out?
"Thomas? Are you awake yet?" A bored voice rings through wherever I am, and hey, that sounds like Maria!

"Maria?" I cough out, trying to sit up. I'm in a jail cell, and across from me was Maria. Wait, she's separated by jail cell bars. "Ugh..." I groan, my head is pounding, geeze.

"Thomas! Finally you're awake, get over here! I promised James I would take care of you but then they set us in different cells..." Maria rants as I haul myself over to her.

"W-wait, James? What did he say, exactly? And um...where are we?" I interupt her. Maria blinks.

"Well, he didn't tell me, not exactly. I just saw it in his eyes." His freaking cute eyes. Maria continues. "And, u-um. Thomas..." She looks at me. "We're in Greynal." My heart misses a beat. Greynal? No. We can't be. "B-but don't panick!" Maria yelps, seeing my panicking face.

"Are you crazy!? Of course we have to panick! We're stranded on Greynal, and we don't know WHAT they're gonna do to us! And JAMES AND I AREN'T TOGETHER! We don't know what they're gonna do to him, we don't know when or IF we're gonna get rescued! Of course we need to panick!" I count off my points on my fingers, this is really bad! I hope James is okay. I really hope James is okay.

"Calm down! Listen, first things first, we need to get you cleaned up. You are literally bleeding everywhere, your leg, your arm, and who knows what has happened on your back, after protecting James like that." Maria grabs my arm and pulls it through the bars, and starts rolling my sleeve up. "Huh, not too bad. Only a few bruises. Oh let me roll it up higher...OH MY GAWD!" Maria yelps as I wince. My upper arm is full of cuts, how did they get there? "Um, I have some toilet paper. Here..." Maria starts wrapping some toilet paper around my arm. Most of the blood has dried, but I can still see a little red seeping through the weak paper. I wince again and look away.

"Do you think James is okay?" I ask her, breaking the silence. Maria shrugs before I glare at her. I don't want a real answer, I just want reassurance. Maria gets the hint and nods her head.

"Yeah, I'm sure he's fine. He probably, uh, running around busy to come rescue us, especially you!" Maria says in a fakey happy tone. I groan. Now all I can think about is James getting hurt when he gets here. Maria reaches for my other arm, and I let her.

"This is boring." I declare. Maria nods.

Time skip

"I spy, with my smol eye, something beginning with G." I call out. Maria has finished bandaging me up and now we're sitting back to back, the metal bars still seperating us.

"Um, grey?"

"Yup. Your turn."

"Hmm, something beginning with S."

"You have to say the smol eye part!"

"No I don't!" We both groan and stop playing.

"How about scissors-" I propose.

"No! I suck at that." Maria interupts. I sigh, this really is boring.

"Then I'm going to sleep." I crawl over to my bed, sorry, bed is too strong a word. How about concrete slab?

"What!? But it's only...uhm...only..." Maria looks around our rooms.

"There are no clocks or sundials here! Or even a sun!" I throw my arms up in the air before lying down on my lovely concrete bed. Wonderful.

I really hope James will come here and rescue us. But on the other hand, I don't want him to get hurt. Ugh, this is the worst.

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