The Best Tour Ever!

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Hi! I'm Thomas Jefferson. And I'm gay n' awesome. 'Nuff said.

Oh, and I LOVE Greenal! I'm Rovan Ceasar's third in command. I just wish James is here with me. I sent mail to him almost a week ago, and since then I've been waiting at the dock before and after work, waiting for him. Okay, it's true that I have a crush on him. No one knows though. And it better stay that way. You see, I have no idea if being gay is A okay with Rovan yet, and I'm not keen on asking him. Well, better get to the docks. James might arrive today.

Time skip

Ugh, I've been waiting here for an hour and nothing. Guess I better get to work. I turn, about to head for Rovan's treehouse mansion, when a voice suddenly speaks in my head.

Woah woah woah! Uh, I'm sure James will be here soon! Hey, look over there!

Hmm, that voice sounds familiar...I look behind me. Hey, is that a ship? And who's that on the prow...JAMES! I can't believe it! Forget work!

Time skip!

I can see James in full detail now. His eyes are shining, happy to see me. His hair is curlier than last time, and he looks amazing. I run down the pristine white sanded beach to meet him. Once he's near enough, James jumps off his boat to meet me. We run towards each other. Finally! Wait, he's still my friend and nothing else yet...

We both skid to a stop. I take a closer look at James. His ankle has a bandaid on it, and his clothes are slightly ripped.

"So, er, how was your trip?" I say awkwardly, reaching out my hand to shake his. Or hold it I don't mind. 

"Uhm, good? I got hurt from a shark attack but other than that it was fine." James says softly. Wow, I forgot about his cute voice. Wait wait wait, shark attack!?

"Whaaaaaaat? Are you okay?" I say in alarm. I see others stepping off the boat, but my focus is on James. He nods, then turns to the people coming off the boat.

"These are my friends, Thomas, meet Aaron Burr, Maria Rey-sorry, Maria Lewis, George Washington and his wife Martha, and my parents. Guys, meet Thomas." James points to the people with him. I grin and say hi to them. The Aaron guy walks up to James and stands next to him, admiring Greenal. I narrow my eyes at him. Could he and James...? No, that's insane. 

"Woah, new people! Cool!" I hear Rovan behind me. I turn to see him and second in command Jeffduck standing there. "Hey Thomas, just wondering why you're not at work, but I guess if these people are on you, Jeffduck will be happy to accompany them to their houses." I nod and smile gratefully. 

"Thanks Rovan. Oh, I should introduce you guys. James and others, this is Rovan Ceasar, leader of Greenal, and Jeffduck...uh, what's your last name?" Jeffduck steps forward.

"I don't have a last name, Jeffduck is fine." he says. James gasps and looks at Jeffduck closely. It hits me, Jeffduck was the voice in my head!

"Hey! You were the voice in my head!" James and I say at the same time. We look at each other. Him too? Weird. Jeffduck chuckles.

"Looks like I've been found out. Yup, I do magiiic! Just mind talking and dreams though." He explains. No way! I clear my voice, time to change the subject.

"Well, okay, Rovan and Jeffduck, meet Aaron Burr, Maria Lewis was it? Yeah, George and Martha Washington, and lastly Mr and Mrs Madison." I say. Rovan smiles and welcomes them to Greenal. I look at James again. He's frowning at Jeffduck, confused. I put my arm around him, as friends y'know.

"Hey James! It's been ages. Hey, I know my way around Greenal like I know the back of my hand," I raise the front of my hand, before quickly flipping it. Whoops. "So, you wanna take a tour of the island with me? Just the two of us, for old times sake?" I add, don't want that Aaron guy coming along as a third wheel, because this has to be PERFECT. James blushes-ahuhuhuhuhu what does that mean (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)- and nods. I smile. This is gonna be awesome! "Hey Rovan! Can I take off work today so I can show James around?" I call out to him. Rovan turns and nods, happy that I brought new recruits to Greenal.

"Hey! People! Jeffduck will bring you to your new houses! Let's see, one for you two, another one for you two, and one for each of you. Perfect four! Wait, then where will that other one...?" Rovan puzzles over,

"I'm with him!" James says, pointing to me. My heart swells up. James is gonna be living with meeeee! YES! I turn to James, taking my arm off him and lead him to start our tour. 

"This is the town center! Here you can buy stuff, and stuff. I don't really know." I say to James. He nods and takes a look around.

"Where's your house?" James asks. 

"Yeah, we'll get to that last. Wait, did you have any luggage?" I ask back. James opens his mouth in a 'O' and starts running back to his boat. I run after him, after all, a gentlemen should always hold the luggage.

Time skip

"This is my favourite place in Greenal." I move the branches to reveal a lake on a hill with a waterfall flowing down. James eyes goes wide as he steps out and to the edge of the hill. I feel...proud. And ready.

"Wow Thomas, this is amazing! I'm so glad I left that hunk of junk Greynal." James exclaims as he surveys the view. I smile. Go time. I walk up to James and put my arms around him. I can tell he's blushing. "T-thomas?"

"James, I've been meaning to tell you this for ages, but now is the time. I have the hugest, most massive crush on you. So, will you be my boyfriend?" Please please please say yes...


I let go of James. I stare away from him. I see from the corner of my eye James turning around to look at me. He probably thinks I'm a freak. Well, the hill is right there. I could jump off.

"Thomas, I-

"Save it. I-I understand you don't like me like I like you. B-bye." I walk away, my heart in my throat. At least I tried. Suddenly, James grabs my hand. I flip around.

"Thomas, no! I DO like you, I like you a lot! I just didn't know..." James soft voice comforts me. "The answer is YES. YES, I will go out with you, Thomas Jefferson." He says, blushing. YESS!!!

YES! My ship has sailed!

Was that-?

"Jeffduck." James and I growl together. Guess he heard it too.

Sup! Hey, it's getting dark, so you two better get home soon. Hehe. 

I roll my eyes and face James again. I lean in for a hug awkwardly. Is it too early? Apparently not, since James hugs me back, burying his head into my chest. Wow he's short.

"So, er James. When should we tell the others?" I ask.

"I'm thinking we DON'T tell them. At least, not yet. I mean, we know Jeffduck is okay with gay stuff, but we don't know about Rovan or-"

"Hamiltrash." I growl.

"Who's that?"

"Annoying guy. I think he's homophobic, but I'm not sure." 

"Yeah, well, let's just keep it a secret between us." 

And me!

"Go away Jeffduck!" We both yell out loud. I ruffle James's hair and chuckle.

"Let's go home, Jemmy." I say.

"Yeah!" James smiles, liking the new nickname. His smile makes me want to kiss him, but maybe it's a little too early to do that.

All in all, a pretty good day.

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