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A long time ago, some people found a small island in the middle of nowhere. When the first human looked around the island, they said this:

"This is a small island, and we must work hard to make it the best as possible. We will sustain the beautiful landscape given to us, and stay alive all the while. We will have treehouses for homes, but replant the trees used on our island. We, and Greenal, shall remain sustainable!" And so it began. Soon everyone had treehouses, and there were twice as many trees as before. Wildlife thrived, and the island stayed lush. 

After a while, the island faced some problems. The food had to be shared out, and new arrivals needed homes, and so on. So the people of Greenal elected a leader, Rovan Ceasar. He also hired a bodyguard, Jeffduck.

On the day he won, Rovan made a speech. He said, "As the leader of Greenal, I will make sure our country will thrive yet stay sustainable. Everyone will live happily without having to worry about money or food, as we will share out a weeks worth of food every Sunday, then throughout the week make sure the animals will be able to replenish what we took." He was a hit. As promised, that Sunday food was shared out, and Rovan hired a team to check on the animals. And one person on that team is where our story continues.

His name is Thomas Jefferson, and he works as Rovan's third most trusted officer. But inside he is lonely, and wishes that his best friend James Madison was there with him. That is, until he realizes how to get James able to come here. So he does what needs to be done, and is now waiting for his reply.

And then it all changes, on one normal day in Greenal...


All chapters in Act 2 are in Thomas's POV.

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