The Eyepatch

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Despair fills me as Thomas slumps on my chest, after getting hit hard by Reynolds.

"N-no!" I cry out weakly. This can't be happening. Not now. He cant leave me alone like this! Shakily,  I put my ear to his chest: still breathing. Thank god! I start crying full scale, all my feelings pouring out, fear, relief, pain, sadness. I hold Thomas tight.Reynolds just laughs. He snaps his finger and two of his goons come forward to grab Thomas. NO! I hold onto Thomas for dear life, I can't let them hurt him! I can't...I can't...I'm overpowered by them, and once I let go I slump down and start sobbing intensely. Reynolds laughs again.

"Hmm, didn't he say he was third in command to Greenal? HA! I can use that. Alright...Maria!" He snarls at her, and I see Maria with a few stray tears running down her cheeks. "Who you wanna go with? Pathetic number 1, back to Greynal, or pathetic number 2, here in Greenal?" Reynolds asks, glaring at Maria. She snivels and glances at me.

"U-uh, n-number o-one?" She says, turning her answer into a question. I silently thank her, she will be able to take care of Thomas. Reynolds grabs her throat, slightly choking her.

"What was that?" He asks maliciously. Maria coughs.

"N-number 1?"

"Pardon?" Reynolds says in a not so polite tone.

"U-uhm, p-p-pathetic n-number 1?" Reynolds releases her and Maria falls to the ground, gasping for air. My heart feels broken. Thomas: unconscious. Maria: being abused. Me? I don't know what will happen to me. I let two more of Reynolds goons drag me away as I stare at the ground.

Time skip

I'm taken to the concrete house Thomas told me about. Thomas...No. I-I can't think about him. Not now. They throw me into a small jailcell.

"Alright punk, this is how it's gonna go." The biggest growls at me. "Every hour me and my friends are gonna beat you for 15 minutes. Then repeat." He leaves the room. Wait so, that's every 45 minutes for 15. Guess they must be bad at maths. I crawl up on the straw bed. 45 minutes. That's enough, I guess. The door slams open again. "Okay I'm back! I had to get my stick. Now, come here!" He and his friends drag me to the middle of the room. Then they bash me. Without Thomas to defend me I just curl up into a ball. Ouch! Ow! I wonder how long this can last for before I die. No. Thomas is alive. I need to stay alive. For him.

Time skip

It's been two days. Or was it three? Heh, I've l-lost track. The worst parts are the nights. During the nights I just stay in the middle of the room and try to sleep. Today, during one of the beatings, I did the most stupid thing ever. I uncovered my eye. Instantly, one of them hit my eye with their stick. It hurts like hell. Like a bee had stung my eyeball. I shriek and cover my eye again. Soon, they leave. I haul myself onto the straw mat and touch my eye. Ouch! I hope it doesn't look too bad. I relax and enjoy my 45 minutes of freedom. Well, as far as a jail cell goes as freedom. I sigh, then I realize fighting sounds are coming from the jail door. What the heck? I wonder who stepped out of line. Suddenly, the jail cell door opens...and...Jeffduck!?

"Jeffduck? How did you-

"Talk later, get outta here NOW." He glances behind him before helping me up. I try to walk but I almost fall over. Wow, I didn't realize how weak I am. Jeffduck supports me as we make our way out of my prison.

"How?" I ask Jeffduck. He sighs.

"I was watching from Thomas, since he's easier to see while he's awake. You've gotten stronger at blocking me out than when you first arrived from Greynal, y'know. So I was watching, getting my fill of cute gay stuff, then I witnessed everything. I couldn't switch to you once Thomas got knocked out, you're too powerful against my magic from long range. It's easier to acsess you from dreams, just like Maria. So I had to alert Rovan and we took a while to come up with a plan, sorry about that. And-" Jeffduck first properly looks at my face. "Woah! Um, here." He hold out his hand and conjures up a eyepatch. I put it on while saying,

"Is it really that bad?"

"Not anymore." Jeffduck assures me. I roll my eyes, which hurts my right eye. Hmph. I can't stop thinking of Thomas. Is he okay? Is Maria taking care of him? I ask myself these impossible-to-answer questions while Jeffduck and I walk out of there. I'm finally out of my prison. I-I can't believe it. Hold on, everyone that we met at Café Green is here. How? I guess they helped break in. Aaron runs to me and starts fussing over my injuries. Rovan clears his throat.

"Okay okay um, we've rescued James now we-"

"Have to rescue Maria."

"Have to rescue Thomas."

Peggy and I speak at the same time. I blink at her. Wow, she must've bonded with Maria quickly. Rovan looks quizzically at us.

"James, you're in no state to fight. You should-

"Go to rescue Thomas." I interrupt him again. Sorry, I can't help it. I just have to save Thomas. Rovan frowns.

"Since when were you and Thomas that close?" He asks. Jeffduck and I start sweating. Well, when Thomas and I reunite we will act gay, so might as well tell them now.

"Um yeah, we're gay." I spill out, I swear it was my head getting hurt that did it! Fine, it was me worrying about Thomas and I kinda got distracted. Well, too late now. Everyone stares at me except Peggy. Hmm.

"Called it." Aaron says. "Anyway, how are we getting to Greynal?" Everyone moves on and thinks about his question. Were we that obvious? Huh.

"We could get a ton of rowing boats." Hercules suggests.

"Or I could create one big boat with my magic." Jeffduck counters. Everyone starts nodding. I throw my hands up in the air.

"What is the extent of your magic!?" I ask, and he laughs.

"It's gonna drain me to create a boat that big, but small stuff like eyepatches is easy. The storm around Greenal is a charm, and my mindpowers are my speciality." He explains. Ah. Rovan claps his hands once.

"Wonderful! Jeffduck, create a big rowing boat, and everyone except James and Jeffduck will row." We disperse, and Aaron helps me to the beach.

We arrive there last, and everyone else is gathered around Jeffduck as he starts to focus, and suddenly a bright light flashes, and I cover my eyes. When I move my arm away, there's a huge rowing ship in front of me, bobbing in the water. Jeffduck collaspes, falling onto the pristine white sand, and Rovan supports him. The four of us, Rovn, Jeffduck, Aaron and I go belowdecks, and I'm admiring Jeffduck's handywork. Really nice light blue walls. After wandering around for a bit, Rovan and Aaron find the infirmary. I let myself down on one bed and rest. Ow! I hit one of my big gashes on the bed side. Jeffduck is let down on the bed next to me. I close my eyes as the boat starts to move. I hear feet moving away, Aaron must be going up to help the others. I start to rest. No more 45 to 15. No more curling up into a ball. I can't believe that such a short time scarred me so much.

I have to find Thomas and make sure he's okay.

I have to.

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