...after a quick adventure

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Time skip

I yawn and cough as I wake up belowdecks. It's been a day since we left Greynal, but I'm still sick from pollution. I knew I should've brought my cough drops! Ugh, our boat is so small, I think as I bang my head on the roof. I reach for my luggage, and rummage through it for todays clothes. I take a quick look at a photo I brought of me and Thomas, taken during graduation. I stare at it. 

Man, we looked so happy. Thomas had his arm around me, and I was slightly blushing. We're not a thing, no matter how much I want it, I know it won't happen. At least I'll be there for him in Greenal. I sigh as I put the photo back. No reason dwelling on the past. I hear Maria call after me.

"Uh, Captain James? We have a problem." I quickly put on some new clothes and run updecks. After banging my head about five times.

"What's up Mar- OH yeah we got a problem." I exclaim as I survey the water around us. Sharks. According to research, sharks shouldn't attack us and that we're probably startling them, I recall from my procrastination sessions. Yeah, sorry internet, but these sharks are more than 'startled'. "Okay, uh, full speed ahead!" I command, not really sure if this is how we should play this. Maria follows my order. The boat moves faster, and I fall back, but Aaron catches me.

"Are those sharks? Should I wake everyone else?" He asks me as he pushes me up again.

"Errr, no? Why am I the Captain here?" I ask him. He and Maria share a look.

"Well, you ARE the one giving us homes on Greenal..." Maria starts.

"And you did basically plan this all." Aaron chimes in. The boat suddenly lurches and Maria flips back around to steer.

"Boyo! What's all this?" Dad shout's from below.

"Just sharks! Go back to sleep Dad!" I shout back. I hear grumbles and then snoring. Huh. I turn to my 'Friends' who are trying not to laugh. "Guys!" I snarl before bursting into laughter, and they do the same. 

Suddenly, the boat lurches backward, and Aaron trips and falls backwards into the ocean

"Aaron!" I shout as I go in after him. I can't let him die! If I did, I would never forgive myself. I put him into this mess, I HAVE to get him out!

"James you idiot no!" Maria calls after me, torn between going after me and steering the boat.

I hit the cold water, and start swimming downwards to Aaron. I feel someone smash into me. It's Aaron! We swim up together, before I remember, THERE ARE SHARKS IN THESE WATERS! We reach the surface and I take a deep breath. 

"James! Aaron! Over here!" George calls out. I turn to see the boat ahead of us, but turning around to get us. "Hold on!" I start swimming towards the boat with Aaron. We quickly meet in the middle, and George lets down the anchor a little for us to climb up with. Suddenly, I hear water churning, a shark! I let Aaron climb up first before I start. I hear the water churning behind me, and my heart beat starts to speed up. Adrenaline starts to pump through my veins as I push Aaron onto the deck so I can climb up. I see Mum and Dad standing there with George, Maria is probably steering. Everyone is shouting for me to hurry up, but I can barely hear them. The flowing water starts to get louder as I start topush up onto the deck. Mum helps me up, eyes scared for my life. The shark leaps out of the water and tries to take a bite of my foot, but I stand up and escape with just a graze on my ankle. I look at my friends and parents.

"W-well, that w-was fun." I say before fainting into Mums arms.

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