Yes! N-No!

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It's been two weeks since Reynolds tried to get me to betray Greenal, and they've been the best two weeks of my life! All because of James, my boyfriend, the best boyfriend in the world, the guy I'm gay for, you could say any innocent and pure name and it would fit him. So anyway, I decided to do something special for him. Hmm...I remember that James loves space, I could do something with that! Ooh, I have an idea. Hehe. So on that Sunday, I pretended to be sick in the morning, and James left on his own to the town square. Hehe. Time for my plan to take action. I hear a knock on the door and I grin. Laf's here. I open the door, then I realize he might be suspicious that I'm building such a thing for James. Wait, James is my best friend, that's a good excuse. Maybe he won't mention it, so I shouldn't either.

"Thanks for coming Laf, I couldn't do this on my own." I let him in before realizing someone is with him, holding some tools.

"Hi," Hercules says, reaching his hand out. "We've met before, right?" He asks me. I nod and shake his hand. He seems like a cool guy.

"Alright, let's get to work!" I announce. Maybe having Hercules here will help!

Time skip

I tug the rope and watched part of the ceiling move, revealing the vibrant blue sky. It's perfect. And we did it in under two hours, thanks to Herc being here as extra manpower. I wave to Laf and Herc, and they wave back as they walk home. I wonder who did their shopping for them. I stand there, admiring our work, and soon, I see James coming back. I quickly tug the rope again and close the closet door that it's hiding in. I quickly grab a random book and sit in my chair. James starts to come up and I stand up to greet him. Don't act suspicious, don't act suspicious...

"Thomas, if you're sick, you should be in bed." James scolds and I roll my eyes. "At least, that's what I do whenever I get sick." He mutters under his breath. I laugh and give him a hug. James is just so cuddly! "Aw c'mon!" James whines jokenly. "And why are you reading..." James grabs the book I was pretending to read. "100 shades of magenta? Wait..." I hear the book opening, the scent of parchment filling the room. "Thomas, every page is just a different shade of magenta!" James laughs. I frown. Why did I buy that? I guess it looked good in the store. I clear my throat and change the subject.

"Don't worry Jemmy, I'm feeling much better. So, what do you wanna do today?" I ask him, ruffling his short curls. James reaches up and ruffles my fluffy hair, as if to get me back.

"Just laze around?" James says. I shrug.


Time skip

I look out the window as James and I play snakes and ladders. Yes! Finally, it's sundown.

"Awww! Down the snake I go." James says as he moves his piece down the snake. I chuckle and glance nervously at my sundial, 7:00 pm. Stars will be out at like 8 issshh. "Thomas? It's your turn." James waves his hand in front of my face. I take my eyes away from the time and roll the dice. Please be 4 please be 4...

"Yes! I win!" I put my arms up in the air and run around the treehouse in victory. James goes 'Awww' and then laughs. I go up behind James while he cleans up the set. I lift him up by his armpits and he yelps in surprise. I giggle and move him to the kitchen, not hesitating to do another quick victory lap. "Loser makes dinner!" I say in a sing-song voice. James giggles and I set him down. He turns to me and takes my hands.

"Alright, but you have to clean up the game." James exclaims, and I nod quickly. We disperse and do our duties. Tonight has to be perfect!

Time skip

Mmm, that was good. James made pork, ham, and broccoli for dinner. And he is a GREAT cook. After dinner James asks if I wanna play another game.

"Nah, I kinda just wanna cuddle." I say casually. James nods, blushing, and starts to clear the table. I instantly spring to my feet and help him. "I'll do this, you go make yourself comfortable." I take the wooden plate out of James's hand and kiss him before heading to the kitchen. Time check: 7:55 pm. Yes! Let the plan begin! After I clear the table, I walk over to James, who is snuggled in bed. All I can see is his nose and up, everything else is hidden under the covers. I laugh while opening the closet door. I reach my hand out to the rope, clear my throat, and face James, who is eying me curiously. "James Madison, these past two weeks have been the best in my life, and all because of YOU. So, hehe, I made a little something for you." With a flourish, I tug on the rope, and the roof moves to reveal stars and stuff. I don't know, I'm not into that stuff. James gasps while I snuggle into bed with him. I hold him as he points out constellations. I follow his finger and...I still can't see anything that makes anything.

"Oh, Thomas thank you! This is amazing. I wish I could've done something for you though..." James says, holding on to my arms tightly. I move my head and kiss him on his forehead.

"You did do something James." I say softly, stroking his hand.

"Huh? What did I do?" James exclaims, confused. I chuckle.

"You exist." James turns bright red and lets me pull him tighter into our hug. We stare up into the night sky, and everything is calm. Suddenly, I see a shooting star flash across our field of vision. James gasps excitedly as he points at it.

"C'mon Thomas, make a wish!" James says. I think for a moment before I come up with something.

"I wish this moment lasts forever." I say, and I start to play with James's soft hair. James blushes even more as he says his wish. Cute.

"I-I wish we have peace for the rest of our lives, and that we are never too far away from each other." James whispers, taking my hand in his. I blush slightly, his wish is way better than me! We lie there, enjoying each others company. I sigh contently.


What the heck!? I sit up to see men coming through the trapdoor and into our bedroom. I catch a glance of Reynolds in them. First thought? Protect James. I grab the covers and pull them over James and I. Then I put some of my body over him to protect him. I mean, I don't know what they'll do, but I know it'll be bad. 5 seconds later, and I'm right. They start beating us. I slump down on James as one of them hit my back. James yelps in pain and I feel anger boiling up in me, as well as fear. W-why are they doing this? How did Reynolds find out about us? "Maria?" I hear James call out. Of course. I hold James as tight as I can. As long as we are together, we are powerful. Ouch!

"J-james! T-thomas! I'm s-sorry!" Maria sobs and my heart lightens. She didn't mean to tell. Oh, when I get my hands on Reynolds and find out what he did to Maria- "I'm sorry! R-reynolds caught me and forced me to tell him about all the relationships in Greenal, I don't really know why I mean it's not really important OW!" I hear someone getting slapped, most likely Maria. "...a-any I'm ranting. When it came to you two he could tell I was lying, and I had to tell him. O-otherwise, he would've h-hurt my new f-friends, the Schuyler sisters...and the o-others. I'm s-so sorry!" She cries out as Reynolds pushes her away-I can hear her falling.

"You're pathetic. Both of you!" Reynolds snarls, crouching down near us. He moves his hand to hold my chin, but I slap it away.

"Don't you know who I am? I'm third in command to Rovan Ceasar, idiot!" I snap at him. Reynolds's face hardens, and before I could say another word, he slaps me. I reach my hand up to my cheek as the stinging pain starts to sink in.

"T-thomas!" James yelps, moving my face so he could see me. My face softens and I shush him.

"I-I'm fine, James." I reassure him. James has tears in his eyes as he cups his hand on my cheek.

"Pathetic." Reynolds sneers. "Hey! Hand me of those sticks." He snatches one away from his goons. Oh, sticks. That's why it hurt so so much. Wait wait wait, S-STICKS? I pale while thinking, I have to protect James. Reynolds holds it up, and I close my eyes while pulling James into a hug.

And the last thing

I remember





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