The Plan

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We've got the plan. My parents sent a letter saying they'll arrive on Saturday afternoon, which is today, so we'll break Maria out tonight. Everyone's ready. George and his wife, Aaron, my parents, Maria, and of course me. 

Oh, I just can't WAIT to see Thomas again! I think as we walk out the office block. Suddenly, the fumes hit my nose and I start coughing uncontrollably.

"Did they-?"

"Upgrade the factories." Aaron said grimly, coughing a bit too. We all walk briskly to my house. I burst into my condo door and run the bathroom, still coughing.

"Anybody else need cough drops!?" I yell to the others. George comes in and takes one. Aaron stumbles in and takes two. I take five.

"Geeze, James calm down, we'll be outta here tonight." Aaron jokes and I chuckle. I go to the living room and get my favourite game, Maces and Talons. Might as well pass the time.

Time skip

I hear the buzzer thing buzz. I stand up and let parents in. Finally! Let phrase 1 begin. I greet Mum and Dad, it's been too long!

"Oh James you've grown!" Mum squeals, even through I'm the same height. Short. I laugh anyway and hug her back.

"Alright boyo, what's the plan? Can I help?" Dad butts in. I roll my eyes and explain to him that it's a stealth mission, just me and Aaron. He ignores me and goes over to Maces and Talons. "Ooh! Maces and Talons! Let's play." he says, already distracted. I sigh and go over to Aaron. He looks at me with those, 'Dude we should go before your parents embarrass you even more.' eyes. I sigh again before gesturing to the door. He nods, smiling.

Let's hope we can get her outta there.

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