Harry Potter Percy Jackson and The Hunger Games Chats

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Author's Note

I've been wanting to do one of these for a while now but I never actually got the time to do it. There are so many good chat books out there and after reading them, I just had to do one of my own :)

I'd just like you all to know that this book will not have Facebook chats only: it will have private chats on other chatting sites, Instant Messaging, normal texting (maybe), notes that the characters pass around in class, Skype messages (maybe) and basically anything else my mind can come up with. There will be crossovers too and they should be fun to both read and write xD

I really hope you enjoy my chats and please drop votes and comments? If you vote/comment, I'll know someone is enjoying this and that will encourage me to keep going. XD

Harry Potter Percy Jackson and The Hunger Games Chats Where stories live. Discover now