Chapter three

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Dean POV
After carefully parking baby Sam and I walk into Purgatory High with Sam staggering behind me.
  "Common Sam it'll be fun your finally in High school," I tell him turning around to face him.
   "Dean," Sam starts, putting away his book," I don't have time for fun if I want to get into Stanford I need to study my butt off."
  I sigh,"Lighten up Sammy. Have some fun. Make some friends." I say turning around to face my locker.(yes he was walking backwards)
   I look back at Sammy one more time and see him walk away with his nose buried in a book. I shake my head and unlock my locker. I hear a voice grumble next to me as they struggle with opening their locker. I look to my left and see a boy with black hair and a serious expression.
  "Need some help?" I ask him. He looks at me with his bluer than blue eyes and my breath hitches. He lowers his head and moves aside. He grabs a paper from his pocket and hands it to me.
   I quickly unlock his locker with ease and step aside."Thank you." He says grabbing is things.
   "No pro-" I start saying ." DEAN!!!!" Yells a familiar voice. I turn and see Charlie running towards me. Jo and her boyfriend Ash walk like normal people.
  I look back and see the boy walking away."It's been forever since I've seen you, Dean!" Charlie exaggerates.
  "Long time no see Dean." Says Ash with his arm around Jo. "I know right." I grin.

   'Make some friends?'  That's what Dean told me to do. Why are he and dad pretending like mom's death didn't happen?! Why am I the only one who still cares?!?
    I tighten my grip on my book. And shake the thoughts out of my head. CRASH!!
  I bump into someone causing us me to fall on top of them. "What're you a MOOSE?!?"Groans a boy's voice. I look down and see a boy with golden brown hair and whiskey-colored eyes.


And I'm stopping there for today um I wanted to say a few things first. All the Novaks are adopted from different families the only original Novak is Michael. Soo yeah. And I'll clear up the things with Mary in future chapters. Also, I forgot to mention that Dean and Sam just moved this summer. Ok, I think that's all. BAIIII

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