Chapter 19

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Castiel's POV
I hear a chuck forsaken crunch. Dean lets out a yell of pain"DEAN!!!!!"I scream as the car stops. "Shit!! I..I thought I was going to make it."A teenage student rants. "Shit.SHit!SHIT!!!"He says terrified as he looks down to where Dean's as laying in pain. "Dean..."I say shakily as I run to him. Half of Deans body was trapped under the car. "SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!!!!" I yell as I grab Deans hand. "Shit man I'm sorry." Says the teenager slowly walking near. "GET AWAY!" I yell through tears. "Cas...I...I'm ok....I'll be ok." Dean says his voice shaking a bit. I shake my head. "Why the hell would you do that." I ask holding his hand. He lets out a pained grunt. "Because...I. Love you." He says taking deep pained breaths. "I didn't want you to get hurt. Fuck this is painful." He chuckles in pain. Sirens close in as a police car and ambulance rush into the school. A small crowd had gathered. "DEAN!!!!"Sam yells for his brother as he runs towards us. A cop holds him back and one pulls me away from Dean. "HE'S MY BROTHER!!!!!!LET ME SEE HIM!!!!"Sam yells with his voice quivering as tears stream down his face. "LET ME GO! I NEED TO STAY WITH HIM!!!PLEASE LET ME GO." I cry struggling against the officers firm grip. "PLEASE!!!" I beg as I'm bragged away from Dean. The people that were in the ambulance take Dean from under the car and carefully place him on the stretcher. "Ok kid you can go with your brother. Just calm down and take deep breaths. He'll be ok." The officer holding back Sam says while releasing him. "Let me go please!!!" I beg. "Sorry kid only family can ride with him." Says the officer holding me. "He is family!"Sam yells as he gets into the ambulance. The officer nods and lets me go. I sprint towards the ambulance and pull myself up to Dean's side. "They put him to sleep so he wouldn't be in pain..."Sam says shakily while taking deep breaths. "Shit...It should've been me. Damn it Dean." I cry while grabbing his hand and pulling it towards me. We begin to move and head to the hospital. "It's not your fault Cas..." Sam tries to comfort me. I shake my head and angrily wipe away my tears. "I was supposed to be hit. I got scared and froze. He pushed me out of the way...It should've been me Dean." I cry pressing my forehead against his hand. "He did it because he loves you. You need to be strong for him and try to stay calm ok..."Sam says wiping away his tears. I take a deep breath and nod. My whole body was shaking. "Please be ok..."I whisper to Dean.

It started in high school (Destiel )Where stories live. Discover now