Chapter 11

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Dean's POV
I slowly make my way towards my friends' usual lunch table. My heartbeat quickens as I go near the table where Cas and I used to sit. As I make my way away from the table I glance at him picking at his food. No one seemed to want to sit with him. I sit down with my friends and unconsciously say,"I guess Cas didn't ever really make any friends other than me..." "How come you're not sitting with him?"Jo asks. I give her a confused look, she sighs and says,"Ever since you and Cas became friends you haven't sat with us." I frown."Sorry, Jo...I guess I never...."I try to come up with a reason as to why I never sat with them. "Look brother its ok," Benny speaks up.  ([You can skip this]BENNY!!!!! Sorry guys it's me the author I just love Benny he is one of my favorite characters. No joke, every time I saw him show up I yelled "Benny!" Ok sorry back to the story.)"We're just wonderin' why you're suddenly sitin' with us."The others nod while Charlie looks at me sadly. I put on a fake smile and shrug. "I missed you guys."Charlie gives me a disapproving look which I ignore. I'm sick of all these chick flick moments, so I fell for a homophobic prick it doesn't mean I should start crying to everyone. I pick at my food for a bit before asking. "Where is Ash?" Jo shrugs,"I don't know. I haven't seen him all day. I think he might be sick." I nod and glance back at Cas. He pushed away his burger and is just sitting there staring at the table. "Dude it's so obvious you want to talk to him."Jo starts,"What's really going on? Did you guys have a fight or something?"She asks. "Or something," I say while I take a bite of the pie I brought. Yes, a whole pie AND IM NOT SHARING! *Stuffs a piece of pie into mouth* "Dean spill."Jo says leaning close to me. I sigh and put down my fork. "Cas is homophobic ok." She looks at me questionably. "Well, how do you know?" She asks prying. "I kissed him...and he started to say some stupid religious crap," I say stabbing at my pie. "Oh...Dean, I'm-" "Don't say sorry. Honestly, it doesn't matter. No need for a chick flick moment."I say picking up my tray, half-eaten pie, and backpack. "Where you goin?"Benny asks. I shrug "Somewhere...anywhere."I toss the pie and foam try away before slipping into the back of the school. I lean against a wall, close my eyes, and face up to the sky. "Hey, mom...It has almost been two years since you died in the work fire....uh I don't know why I mentioned that." I say softly. "Uh, I miss you. Sammy misses you. I think dad misses you most of all. I remember when I first came out to you. You were the first person I told. You were so...ok with it I guess. You told me that that's how God made me. That there was nothing with who I am...but mom...people who believe in God are the people who say that he thinks its a sin. Remember the guy I told you about/ Castiel...I uh took him on sort of a date last night and I kissed him. Turns out he is homophobic. But don't worry I won't make the same mistake I did with...the same mistake I did last time. Anyway uh, I love you and I wish you were here. You'd be able to help me." I saw wiping my face. A short cool breeze passes by. I smile. "I know its weird but sometimes I feel like you can hear me and that those breezes are your way to comfort me." The bell rings and I groan. "Shit I have to bye mom,"I say taking one last look up to the clouds and rushing inside.

Castiel POV
I have next block with Dean. I have 1st, 4th,6th, and 7th block with him. I don't know if I'll make it. I sigh and see Dean sitting on the bleachers with Charlie and Benny. Charlie, Benny, and Dean all see me walk towards the bleachers. Charlie and Benny give me death glares while Dean looks down. I pull on my sleeves and sit at the very bottom. "Ok class." Our PE teacher says. We're running two fence lines and then we're going to play soccer." Most of the class cheers. We all make our way to the dressing rooms. All the boys go to the one in the right while the girls go to the one on the left. I go to my gym locker which happens to be two lockers away from Dean's I uncomfortably unzip my jacket and place on top of the locker. As I begin to take of my shirt I glance over to Dean who is currently shirtless grabbing his gym clothes. My breath hitches and I quickly pull off my shirt and grab my gym clothes. I glance at Dean again and catch him looking at me. He had a look of longing, love, and pain in his eyes. He quickly looks away and puts off his clothes. I tilt my head in confusion then quickly put on my shirt. How can he still love me after what I said? I quickly stuff my clothes into the locker. Dean along with all the other guys head out of the changing room and I slowly follow. As I walk around the school fence I still feel nothing but the sharp pain in my chest. I haven't been able to eat or feel anything all day. I sigh...I mean it's my fault. I'm the one who was so harsh. I just don't know how much more of this I'll be able to survive.

Hello! I hope you guys like this chapter. I kinda feel like my gay children haven't suffered enough yet. So don't worry I have some big plans for tomorrow's chapter. *Evil laugh* Also I hate myself for writing this. I also wanted to say that I personally believe in God but I believe that he makes everyone the way they are or at least still loves us for being us. And people who use him as an excuse to hate on LGBTQ+ people such as myself and my children whom I'm writing about are small minded. This year is the year that I finally excepted myself as Pansexual and it has been been one of the best years in my life so I doubt God loves me and any of his LGBTQ+ kids any less for being who we are. Honestly, I think that all of us being who we are is like a blessing from him. I mean we are more accepting and open-minded but hey that's my opinion. Anyway, hope you guys are ready for the next chapter. : D

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