Chapter Five

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Gabriel POV
   I step into my second block and instantly see the tallest boy there. Sam. I walk up to him and motion to the chair. "Is this chair taken?" I ask him. "What?" He says staring at me. I grin"Is this seat taken Samantha?" He quickly nods.
"So how come I've never seen you here before?" I ask Sam as I sit down. He clenches his fits and jaw. "Oh..." I say realizing he must've lost someone. "I'm sorry... I didn't-" before I finish apologizing Sam cuts me off. "It's ok."He says softly. "So...sorry for smushing you earlier," He says changing the subject. 
   "It's cool." "Ok class I'm your teacher Mrs.Amara . I'lll be your math teacher this year. Now open your books to page 10." Sam instantly does as instructed and I lean over to grab two lollypops from my backpack. I unwrap one and stick it in my mouth. I look over and see Sam paying attention to the teacher. Who does that?!? I flop the top half of my body over Sam's desk and work book. "Sammy pay attention to meeeeee." I whine.
"Gabriel I'm doing class work. You should too." Sam says trying to pry me off his side of the desk. "How do you expect me to do work when I keep distracted by the amazing view." I say to Sam wiggling my eyebrows at him. He blushes and replies,"What do you mean "Amazing View?'"
"Please be quiet." Mrs.Amara says to Sam. Everyone's eyes fall on Sam and he sinks into his chair. I quickly move off Sam's desk and pull out silly string from my back pack. I shake the can and spray it on every one except Sam. I laugh mischievously as Mrs.Amara glares daggers at me. "What is your name young man?"She asks me whipping the silly string off herself. "Gabriel."I say placing the empty cans on my desk and sitting down. Before she has a chance to punish me the bell rings and I rush out of the class.
"Gabe!Wait!"Sam calls out to me. I stop and see him jogging towards me."Thanks for what you did back there."He says shyly. I shrug,"I was going to do it later but I saw how embarrassed you were so...."I pause,"Anyway sorry for getting you in trouble." He smiles. "It's ok. Anyway bye Gabe."Sam says as he rushes towards his next class. As I see him walk away I feel a small pang in my heart. And remembering him smiling at me made my heart skip a beat. "What's this strange feeling?"I quietly ask myself as I walk towards my next class with Sam still on my mind.

Hey long time no story update sorry this took long I kept forgetting to write a new chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed it. Please comment any suggestions writing,grammar,or story wise. Ok BAIIIIII

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