Chapter 7

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Dean POV
I walk away from the lunch line with a plate filled with fries,a hamburger,and PIE!  I walk to the middle of the lunch room and stop halfway to look over at my friends at a table on the right. Jo,Benny,and Ash all wave me over to them. As I begin to walk towards them I see a lonely little emo kid in the corner of the cafeteria picking at his food...Cas. "Sorry," I mouth to my friends as I make my way to Castiel.
   "Is this seat taken?"I ask Cas as I stand being the seat in front of him. He awkwardly shakes his head and I sit down. "You ok Cas?" I ask him. He looks up at me in surprise and shrugs."Want some pie?"I ask him trying to break this awkward one sided conversation. He smiles and nods. I scope up some pie and hold out the fork for Cas. He takes a bite and smiles a bit."It tastes good."He says with a mouthful of pie. I smile at him. "S-so Cas um..." I studder. "Are you nervous?" Cas questions me. "What?!?"I say quickly. "Um w-well you w-were shuddering so I-I assumed."He struggled to say.
      I lean closer to him and smirk."Who's nervous now."I say. He blushes and quickly looks away.

It started in high school (Destiel )Where stories live. Discover now