Chapter 12

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Ok, guys so in this chapter, I am going to have a few parts in Gabriel's POV for the sake of the story. I know I said that I wouldn't write in Gabriel or Sam's POV because I am\might write a separate story for them. If I choose not to write a separate story for Sam and Gabriel then beware for new chapters in the middle of different chapters. But I have an idea as to what the story about them will be and along with the Michifer one. Of course, there will still be a few moments of each ship here and there but keep an eye out for when I publish the other ship books. But it might be after I finish this one. Anyway, let's go back to the story.

Gabriel POV
It's been about two weeks since Castiel disappeared for the night. I haven't seen him eat a bite of food or even sleep. I sometimes hear him crying in his room. I sigh and try to pay attention to the boring teacher. "Hey, Gabe are you ok?"Sam asks me worriedly. I look over to him and smile sadly. "Something is wrong with Cas but he won't talk to me." Sam stiffens. I eye him suspiciously. "Do you know what has been going on?"I ask him. He looks down at his workbook and nods. "Spill moose," I demand.

Dean's POV
Another day another burger pushed away. For the past week and a half, Cas hasn't eaten anything during lunch. "Hey, do you think Cas is ok?" I ask my friends. "Dean stop worrying about that jerk and eat your food. Lunch is about to end." Jo says pushing a slice of pie towards me. I sigh and smile "Yeah ok."

Gabriel's POV
Sam tells me everything he knows. I frown and say "Sam we need to talk to your brother now." I say. "We can't we're in class and they are eating lunch." I glance at the teacher who is looking at the board explaining some stupid shit that will 'help' me in my future. "Cover for me please," I beg Sam. He nods and grabs one of my stink bombs from my bag. "Get ready to run."He says as he prepares to through the bomb."Now."He whispers yells as he tosses the bomb and plugs his nose. In all the chaos I managed to get away. I sprint down the hall and towards the lunch room. I yank the door open and scan the room for Dean. As soon as I spot him I run over and take a quick glance at my brother." You Dean?"I ask him even though I know how he looks like. Though he's never seen me. "Yeah. Who're you?" He asks taking a bite of his pie. Damn, guess good looks run in the fam-FOCUS GABE!"Look I know you're mad at my brother, Castiel, but you need to talk to him. Has he been eating in school?"I ask. "What?"Dean says confused. "Has Cas been eating in school,"I ask again fearing the answer. Dean shakes his head no and I look over to my brother. "Dean..."I say as my voice begins to crack. "Cas hasn't been eating at home either. Look don't be mad at Sam but he told me what happened and I know you're mad at Cas but please talk to him. I'm scared that if he doesn't start eating again he will cause damage to himself."I cry. Dean stares at me with surprise then glances at Cas.

Dean's POV
Cas hasn't...but why..."W-why is he doing this?"I ask Cas' brother without looking at him. I stare at Castiel. Of course, I noticed he started getting thinner and paler but I didn't know that...god Cas."I don't know. I guess maybe he is depressed or maybe...maybe he is scared to accept who he is..."Cas' brother says. I look at him curiously. "What do you mean." Gabe shrugs wiping away a few falling tears. "You know how our family is. What Cas told you that night wasn't him. It's our mom. I think he was terrified of what would happen if he accepted who he was and how he felt. I have to go back but please talk to my brother."He says running away. I turn back to my friends and see them all looking at me expectantly. "What?" I say. "Well, aren't you going to talk to him?!?" Ash asks. "I...I don't know. I don't want to risk this being like..."I trail off. My friends knew who and what I was referring to."I think you should talk to him."Charlie says as the bell rings. They all start picking up their stuff and food as do I. "At least think about it. I don't think that kid was lyin'"Benny says following me and Charlie to our class.

As I change into my PE clothes I glance over to Cas. His once relatively muscular body was now slim and boney. My heart pangs as I see how frail Cas has become. He looks as if he could collapse at any moment. Please don't be like last time. Everyone including me and Cas head outside to the field. "Do your usual fence lines while I finish setting up the game," Coach commanded us.

Castiel's POV
As I try to run around the fence I start feeling dizzy and shaky. The world begins to spin. Students race past me as I begin to stumble. My vision begins to blur as I collapse t0 the ground. I close my eyes and prepare for the hard rocky ground but nothing happens. I open my eyes and see myself in Deans arms. He slings my arm over his shoulder and leads me inside the gym. "What the hell Cas?!?"He half yells as he sets me down on the bleacher. No one was inside but us. I look down and lift a now small and shaky hand to my face. "God Cas you're an idiot," Dean says kneeling in front of me and cupping my cheek with his hand. "You're going to kill yourself at this rate."He says with his voice shaking. I shrug and look away from him. He gets up and heads towards the locker room. Dean returns a few moments later with something in his hand. "Here eat some."He says passing me some pie. "I'm not hungry," I say shakily. Dean kneels in front of me again and cups my face in his hands and gently makes me face him. "God I hope this isn't like last time."He whispers to himself as he gently places a kiss on my lips. Tears roll down my face as I deepen the kiss needing him to be close to me. I wrap my arms around his shoulders. Being here with him. Kissing him. It just seems so right so perfect. Dean slowly pulls away. "Woah."He breathes. He smiles brightly at me and wipes away my tears before pulling me into another kiss. I can feel him smiling as we kiss. If being in love with this amazing guy who loves me is a sin I don't care. I'm sorry God, mom and anyone who says me loving Dean is wrong but I love him and nothing is going to change that. He pulls away again and passes me the pie. "Please, Cas eat something." I look down at the pie then into Dean's pleading eyes and pick up the fork. Dean smiles as I take bite after bite of the pie. I honestly don't really like the pie but as long as me eating it makes Dean smile at me like that I don't care. I don't care what anyone says I love this guy and I plan on staying in love with him for as long as he wants me to.


Welp hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter. I know I enjoyed writing it. Not this part is about the Sabriel and michifer books I'm going to write so if you aren't interested in reading those when I publish them then you can skip this. Ok so before I publish those two books I'm going to try to finish another book I'm writing, Hopefully, my family members stop coming over so I can have more time to write those stories. I'm going to try to write five chapters for each ship story before I publish it so in case my family does come over or I don't have time to write I will have those ready. Also once school starts I might start updating less frequently especially around December since I will be at comic con. But I'd this book and the others aren't done by then I will try to write extra chapters on the days leading up to the trip. Anyway, stay tuned for the next chapter. BAIIIIIIIII

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