Chapter Four

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Sams POV
"Uh...Sorry."I say quickly getting off the boy underneath me. I put out my hand and help him up.

He stares at me for a while before awkwardly rubbing his neck." It's ok. I'm Gabriel" he says sticking out his hand for me to shake.

"I'm Sam." I smiled shaking his hand. "Gabe common dude!"A boy behind me calls him.

"Comin." He says looking past me at his friend. "Later Samantha." He grins at me before leaving.

I pick up my book and backpack that had fallen on the ground. I look back and catch a glimpse of Gabriel before he disappears into the crowd of teens heading to their classes.

I quickly rush off to my class in hopes of not getting a tardy on my first day at my new school.

Deans POV
   "I can't believe you're finally moving into town. Now I don't have to wait every summer to see you when you come visit Jo." Charlie says quickly.
   I smile slightly,"Yeah that's the upside to the move." Jo, Ash, and Charlie all look at me with pity.

  "Don't pity me, guys,"I say with more anger in my voice than I intended.
    Charlie shakes her head"We don't pity you, Dean. We're just..."She sighs."We're sorry for your loss."
    I stuff my hands in my jean pockets and nod."Yeah...Everyone is."
     "Wanna talk about it...?"Jo asks.I shake my head.
    "Let's just head to class. were already late." I say. They all nod and we head to our classes.

Hey, guys hope you liked this chapter. Um, I have some plans for future chapters already and I can't wait to get to those parts. So um Baiiiiii

It started in high school (Destiel )Where stories live. Discover now