Chapter 10

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Ok guys I want to give you a warning this chapter may break your heart and it may not. Also I both love and hate the previous chapter I uploaded. In most destiel stories or sabriel stories Jon is a very homophobic very mean dad. I want to make him nice for once so yeah... uhhh hope you like this lousy update

Castiel's POV
I feel numb. I cant seem to be able to move my body. My head hurts and my eyes feel heavy. I have a huge pain in my chest. I hear a knock on my door and it slowly open. "Cas...?" I hear Gabe quietly call. "Yeah?" I respond my voice sounded raspy and broken. "We are going to be late for school...umm also are you ok?" He asks hesitantly. I groan,force myself to sit up on my bed, and face him. He lets out a small gasp and inches closer. "I'll be right there." I say trying to stop myself from crying again. "Cas...-" He starts saying trying to reach out for me. "I said 'I'll be right there'" I snap as a tear rolls down my face. He nods sadly and closes the door behind him as he leaves to finish getting ready. I quickly blink away some of my tears, pull on some random gray jogging pants, a black shirt I found on my bed, and my black hoodie along with some random slip on shoes. I stuff my phone into my hoodies pocket and sling my backpack lazily over my shoulder. "Oh my dad Cas...What the hell is up with your face?" Lucifer asks me as I step out of my room. I glare at him and walk downstairs. Before heading all the way down I hear Lucifer say something along the lines of " Hey...I need to tell you something important at our favorite spot."

"Ummm Cas...Where were you last night?" Gabriel asks me hesitantly as we make our way to the bus. I sigh and ignore his question. "Cas talk to me. Please." Gabe demands with his voice cracking. I sigh and begin to blink quickly as the tears start forming. "The bus is coming." I say to him pushing the memory of last night away. I feel bad about not telling Gabriel. I mean he is the only decent sibling I have but I can't risk telling anyone in my family about last night especially my mom. I cant deal with the way they would react to...Dean being gay and kissing me. I go to my usual spot in the back of the bus and stare out the window with a growing feeling of dread.

Dean POV
"You going to be ok today?" Sammy asks me as we get into baby. I shrug and start driving towards the school. "Look Dean I'm sorry that he broke your heart -" "Look Sammy this isn't some chick flick where we can talk about our feelings then go walk over a rainbow and everything is ok again."I interrupt him looking out at the road. "Just forget about it" "But, Dean,"Sam starts hesitantly", Castiel is the only guy you've felt like this about since-" "Sammy! Drop it!" I yell. He looks at me surprised then looks down at his hands. I sigh as I pull into the school parking lot." Look Sammy I'm sorry but just drop it please." Sam nods and gets his backpack while getting out of the car. I lean back in my seat, wipe my face, and grab my backpack. I slowly make my way towards the school, keeping a look out for...Cas. "Hey Dean."Someone greets. I slightly jump then look back at Charlie. "Oh Hi Charlie." She looks at me worriedly "Whats  wrong? You look like someone just stabbed you through the heart." My eyes begin to water as I remember last night with Cas. I start crying and she pulls me into a hug "Lets go somewhere else to talk."She says as she gently strokes my back and guides me to a more private spot. She takes us to a usually alone spot in the back of the school."Ok what happened?" She asks me as we sit on the ground. "I...I thought Cas liked me. He..he led me on and I...God!!"I cry. Charlie gives me a hug and waits for me to continue. "Turns out he is homophobic. Ha." I laugh bitterly as I wipe away my tears. "How do you know?"Charlie asks. I sadly laugh" I kissed me and said something about me being gay is a sin or some stupid religious shit." I say as I furiously wipe away the tears streaming down my face. "I'll kill that homophobic son of a bitch."Charlie says angrily. "No...its stupid.."I quickly say. Her eyes widen as she says"You still love him?!? Even after what he did and him being a homophobe!?!?"She half yells. I look down as I sob"I know he hurt me and that he will never love me and that he is a small minded jerk,but...when I look into his eyes I can't help but want to always be by his side."  Charlie pulls me into a hug as the bell rings. We both get up and make our way to the school. "I'm sorry about what is happening. You deserve better. We'll talk about this with the others during lunch." She says before rushing off to her class. I reluctantly step into my first block and take a deep breath as I make my way to my seat next to Cas. As I get closer my heart starts to thump, I begin to shake,and tears well up in my eyes.

Castiel POV
As Dean sits down our eyes meet. I quickly look the oposite direction and sink into my chair. I can't be gay. I was just imaging it before. was a test from got. Right? To test my loyalty. My mind wonders back to the kiss and how good it felt to be there with him. The way he made my heart race and made me smile a smile that is just for him. "Mr.Metatron may I move to a different seat please?"Dean speaks up. I glance at him through my messy black hair. Metatron groans "Yeah ok." Dean quickly packs his stuff and moves to a seat on the other side of the room. I pull on my sleeves and try to look at anything but Dean. I think back to last night despite me trying not to. The look of pain in his eyes as I told him that being him was wrong. The pain in his eyes turning to a look of anger. But right before it all the way he looked into my eyes and acted like no one else was there. The way he won me the bee...which Luci destroyed. I hide my face in my English book as a few tears escape my eyes. I'm a disgrace to my family. I cant be into guys. It's wrong to be gay. My mom and God can't be wrong right. Wait but Dean is gay does that make him a disgrace like me? But he is so nice and sweet and brave there is nothing wrong with him he is...perfect. I groan and lay my head on the table. "Why is life so complicated and full of misery?" I ask myself quietly.

It started in high school (Destiel )Where stories live. Discover now