Chapter 18

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Dean's POV
I wake up to the sound of a baby crying. "Dean...can you get her please. "Cas asks sleepily from next to me. I slowly get up and head out of the bedroom and follow the sound of crying to the room down the hall. I creak the door open and see two cribs on each side of the blue and gold painted room. I slowly walk up to the crib on the right looking at the golden clouds with tiny angels on them. "Hey baby..." I say quietly to the baby in the crib. The baby wiggles in the crib as she cries. "Shhh." I quietly say as I gently lift her into my arms. I gently bounce up and down as I cradle her in my arms. "Is Jack still asleep?" Cas asks while rubbing his eyes from the doorway. I glance up at him and nod. He has a blue shirt, blue and white flannel pyjama pants, and bee slippers. He walks up to me and places a small kiss on the,now quiet, baby in my arms. "Why do you always have to wake us up Claire?" Cas asks Claire. "Daddy needs his sleep." He says turning to the other crib. " I'll start making food before Jack wakes up." Cas says walking out of the room. I follow him into the kitchen with Claire only letting out small whines. "Set her in her chair and help me get breakfast ready." Cas says while taking out three bowls, a baby bottle, and two small jars of baby food. I grab the cereal,milk,water,baby milk powder, and three spoons. I hand them to Cas and wrap my arms around his waist. "What?" He chuckles. "Nothing...I just love you." I say resting my chin on his shoulder. "We have a did that happen?" I ask him as he mixes Claire's (I was so sleepy I accidentally put chair instead of Claire)bottle. He sighs and shrugs. "You'd think you'd remember our wedding and us adopting our children." Cas says jokingly opening the jars of baby food. "You know what I mean Cas. It just seems surreal." I say grabbing the baby bottle and passing it to Claire who grabbed it and began drinking. "Marrying me seems surreal?" Cas asks lets out a fake offended gasp. I grin and shake my head."I just...never imagined myself to be a dad. Or someone's husband." I say glancing at my beautiful baby glancing between us with curiousity. "I can tell. You're terrible at both." Cas said placing the bowl of baby food in front of the chair next to Claire. "Wow Sasstiel coming through." I say laughing. He smiles and places a kiss on my lips. A small cry comes from the baby room. "Looks like someone is ready to join the party." Cas says leaving to get Jack. I grab the bowls of cereal and and place then on the table in front of the chairs across from Claire and Jack. Cas walking in holding a big baby boy in his arms. "He's growing up so fast." Cas smiles while placing Jack in a booster seat. We all sit in the table together and eat breakfast. I glance from Claire to Jack to Cas. "God I love our small family." I say smiling. I look over to Cas who was smiling at me. "Wake up Dean..."He says. "What?" I ask laughing in confusion. "Wake up." He says a bit louder. "Cas I don-" "Dean wake up!!!! Please!" He cries. I rush next to him and place my hands on his shoulders. "Cas I am awake." I say softly. "Wake up! Please Dean! Wake up! I need you! I-I love you." Cas cries. I hear a high pitched ringing and a bright white light covers everything.

Hey. Sorry that my chapters are getting shorter. I hope you liked this chapter anyway. Baiiiiiiii

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2018 ⏰

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