Chapter 13

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Dean's POV
After PE I have a free period along with Castiel. We usually spent it way from each other but today I spent it with Cas in the library. "What are we doing here?"I ask him as he browses for books. "Checking out books."He says matter of factly. I roll my eyes with a smile and stand close behind him. I rest my chin on his shoulder and feel him stiffen. "D-dean w-what-"He shudders. I look up at him "Are we dating?"I ask casually. "I...we...what?"He struggles to say as he turns to face me. I stand up straight (bro why is that word even in this story. We all know these boys are anything but straight.) and smile"You're cute when you're flustered." He covers his face with a book. "Just look for a book."He says quietly. I shrug with a smile and walk towards a section of books in search of something I might like. I pass by a bunch of romance novels and scoff. "What not a fan of romance?"A female voice asks. I turn around and see a girl around Cas' height with black hair. "Nah not romance novels."I respond. She walks close and grabs a book from behind me. "Here just give it a try. It has a great plot and a love triangle."She says passing me the thick book. "Twilight." I read the title. "Lisa why are you trying to brainwash him?"Cas speaks up from behind me causing me to lightly jump. "Don't listen to her Twilight is a sucky book trust me. Now a good love story would be..."Castiel trails off as he scans the book titles "Here!"He exclaims as he grabs a book and hands it to me. "Forgive my fins?"I read the title with a small smile. "Really Cas?" I question. "It's about a mermaid princess who has been in love with a guy for about two to three years before a mixup bonds her to her rude bicker neighbor who she ends up falling in love with."He explains with a smile. "Now I know it might seem a bit girly because its about mermaids but it's actually very interesting." He adds. "Ok how about this Dean reads both and he decides which one." Lisa suggests. Cas grins "Ok. What do you think Dean?"He asks me. I shrug and nod "Ok. But it'll take me a while to read both." They nod. "Well I gotta go. Bye Cas." She says walking away.
I turn to Cas"Since when have you been friends with her." He shrugs. "I wouldn't say we're friends we just sometimes talk if we see each other here." I nod and sling my arm over his shoulder. "Do I really have to read all these books?"I ask. Cas grabs my arm and pulls it over his shoulder and back to my side. "Yep." He says heading to the book check out. I sigh and take a deep breath "Please don't be like last time." I whisper slowly following Cas.

Castiel's POV
School finally ended and Dean offered me a ride home along with Gabe. I said I needed a good walk and Gabe decided to go with Sam,Deans little brother. Before driving away Dean said that he was going to take me out somewhere later tonight. Something about me needing to get some color back and get back to my normal weight. I wasn't trying to stare myself or anything I just kinda did. I never felt hungry. I didn't feel anything. Wait...ok so I'm finally accepting I'm uh into Dean. How am I supposed to act around my mom and my family. I stop in front of my house and take a deep breath as I slowly step inside. Nothing is different right? I mean I'm not different I just have a friend...boy??? I quickly make try to make my way to my room. "Castiel!"My mom calls. I freeze up. "Um Yeah?" I respond shakily. SHE KNOWS!!!!! I freak out. "You're father will be coming back in a few days so tell your brothers to get ready for a family trip when he gets here."She tells me."Family trip to where?"I ask getting no respond. "Mom. A trip to where? How long are we going to be there." Still no respond. "Mom!"I say a bit louder. "I don't know its to some theme park for about a week."She finally says. I nod and make my way to my room to drop my stuff. I knock on Gabe's door first. I hear him shuffle around his room and whisper something before opening the door. "Oh uh Hi Cas." He says nervously. I dismiss it"Can I talk to you for a sec?"I ask. He nervously looks towards his closet and nods. "First mom said to pack for a trip to a theme park. She didn't say which one." I explain as my eyes wonder around his room. My eyes meet his as I say."Look I also wanted to say sorry about the way I was acting for the past two weeks its just..."I trail off. Gabriel gives me a guarded look as he says."Sam,Dean's brother,told me about what happened." My eyes widen in horror."I...what." Gabe sighs "Look Cas. Why didn't you tell me?"He asks with a pained look. I look down to my hands and pull on my my sleeves anxiously." know how mom is. And she practically raised you and-" Gabriel scoffs."Cas she raised you two and look how you turned out..."He pauses and mutters something to himself. " How could you think. I would be so small minded and not accept you. We've been brothers for 7 years did you honestly think I wouldn't accept you or did you think I would react?" He rants angrily. I shrug and wipe away a few tears. "I don't know Gabe,but you're my brother. The one I tell everything to. I-i couldn't risk having you look at me a different way or say some of the awful things mom say or tell her about me."I rush out wiping away my falling tears. He walks over and gives me a hug. "Cas I could never see you differ-" Gabe gets interrupted by a screech and someone falling out of his closet. His eyes widen and he turns to quickly see me then back at the person who fell. "Why the hell do you have a huge clown statue in your closet?!"Sam half yells standing up. "Why is Sam in your closet?"I ask Gabriel. He laughs nervously.I shake my head "Guess I'm not the only one into guys." I say looking at Gabe. He shrugs,"I'm Pan." He responds smiling over to Sam. "Ok just don't stay to late Sam. Dean might get worried."As if on cue Dean texts me saying he will be here in 30 minuets. "Speaking of Dean what are you and my brother now?"I stiffen "I uh...we...What are you and MY brother?"  I ask trying to flip the tables. Sam blushes as Gabe looks up at him with his usual Gabriel smirk. I smile and shake my head. "Well I have to go get ready for...uh...I'll see you later tonight Gabe."I say exiting Gabriels room and heading towards mine. Before I entered the room I was Luci entering Michael's room. Come to think of it I've spent so much time in my own little world and have so many siblings I don't always have time to hang out with all of them. Maybe later,but for now I have a date to prepaid for.

Hello. It is currently 4 am and I still haven't slept so this chapter may be a bit sucky.Also this other show gave me a few ideas for something in the future of the story. Well I hope you guys like this chapter. Goodnight or good morning.

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