Chapter 14

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Castiel's POV
I pull on my black converse and grab my black hoodie. I hear a loud honk from outside. I smile and look out the window to see a black Impala. I race downstairs while putting my phone into my hoodie's pocket. "Castiel where are you going?" My mother asks stepping out of her room. "I'm going out with a friend for a bit."I tell her while anxiously looking at the door. "A girlfriend?"She asks me. I look down. "I Just a friend. Dean and I are going to um hang out for a bit."I say awkwardly. She nods."Ok."She says walking away. I quickly make my way to Dean's car. "Hey."He greets as I step into his car. "So where are we going?" I ask as I buckle up. He grins as he starts the car. "There is this arcade/buffet called 'Heaven and Hell' or H and H for short. The food is awesome and it has laser tag, point, and shoot games. Oh and classic arcade games and-"He pauses as he glances at me when I let out a small chuckle then back at the road. "What?"He asks as he smiles. "You're cute when you go all geek."I explain with a smile. He smiles and shakes his head as he pulls into a parking lot. "I don't go 'all geek'. That's Sammy's thing."He says parking and turning to see me. "And hey it's not like I'm the only cute one of us."He adds making me blush and look away. "I mean you with the being amazed by a carnival. Your eyes lit up as you saw all the lights and rides." He says as he opens his door. I do the same as he continues. "Oh and your eyes when you saw that bee." I frown as he mentions the bee. "What's wrong?" He asks walking to my side of the car. "I...uh. My older brother Lucifer he threw it to the ceiling and it got ripped to shreds."I explain quietly. His face turns to a mixture of anger and confusion."Why the hell would he do that?" He asks leaning against the car. I sigh and explain."My younger brother, Gabriel, he goes to our school and when I left with you I didn't tell him so he freaked out. And he didn't want to get me in trouble with our mom so he told my siblings instead. I guess he freaked out because of what happened to his parents." Dean gives me a confused look. "Oh um right you don't know. Me and most of my siblings were adopted. The only biological child my foster parents have is Micheal, the oldest. And not many of us were just left in the hospital, like Anna, some, like Gabe, lost their parents after already knowing them. Gabriel was home alone when he was about 8 but they never came home. The neighbors saw on TV that his parents had been killed in a car crash and saw that Gabriel wasn't with them so they checked the house. And there was an 8-year-old Gabriel passed out on the couch with a charm his parents gave him. When his parents never came back he cried because he was too scared to call the cops. So when I just left I guess he was terrified." I explain. He nods solemnly. "Cas...I'm sorry."He apologizes. I smile"There is no reason for you to be sorry.Now let's go eat I'm hungry." He grins and leads me inside a building with a sign made of white and red lights that read 'Heaven and Hell arcade'. We step in and the top half of the building was painted with white clouds and golden pain here and there along with angels sitting on clouds. The bottom half was all black and red with fire and lava everywhere along with demons and on a black throne was Satan, or Lucifer, dressed in a suit with his eyes glowing red. Dean orders a medium pizza, three slices of pie for him, two large cokes, and a burger. He also gets two white and red game cards with 100 points each. I take out money as the cashier(?) tell us the price. "Hey. Look it's ok. I'll pay."Dean says grabbing my hand and pushing the money in my hand towards me. "Dean you already paid last time. Just let me-" Dean gives me a look that seemed to say 'You're not going to win this fight just let me pay'. I sigh, put the money away, and grab our cups. "Fine. But the next time I pay."I state walking away to fill our cups. Dean and I sit at our table waiting for them to bring our food. He looks like he wants to ask me something but is worried about something. I sigh and cross my arms over the table "It's ok you can ask about my real parents" He lets out a small sigh and asks. "Did you know them? Did they leave you at the hospital? Do you know who they really are? Why do your foster parents adopt? Ugh sorry. I mean ugh I'm sorry."He says wiping his face. "Um no I didn't know them but it still stung that they just left me at the hospital. After my foster parents had Michael they realized they couldn't have any more kids so they decided to adopt. We were adopted...Raphael, Baltazar, Anna, me, Gabriel, Hanna and lastly Lucifer."I explain shrugging. "You're parents missed out on one hell of a guy." He said smiling at me. "Hey, Cas!"Someone greets me. I look to my side and see Lisa standing next to me. She looks at Dean and slightly straightens while puckering her lips a bit. "Oh uh Hi Lisa." I say trying not to show the confusion I was feeling. "I didn't know you came hear Dean."Lisa says to Dean who flashes his usual charming, heart-melting smile and shrugs. "I barely started going here a few weeks ago."He explains. "Mind if I sit?"She asks pointing to the chair next to him. Dean looks at me as if mentally asking 'Is it ok for Lisa to stay?' Well yeah sure let her interrupt our date. "Um sure."I say half smiling. Dean eyes me suspiciously then dismisses it.

After a while, the food came and Dean was mostly speaking to Lisa. Being annoyed I tell them that I'm going to the restroom.

Dean's POV
Lisa hasn't let me talk to Cas all night. When Cas leaves she leans close to my face. I back away a bit. "Finally he left."She whispered to me. Her lips started getting closer until her lips touched mine. 'SHIT' I think.

Oh hello. Yep, I'm leaving a cliffhanger. Tomorrow I'm going to work on a chapter for another story so I might not update this one. Wonder what'll happen next. Anywho...... It is 2:30 and I am the only one awake so I better sleep. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Baiiiiiiiiii

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