Chapter eight

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Dean's POV
I sigh as I look at Cas reading a text book he borrowed from the library. "Cas its been two months since we've been in school."I say. He nods as he takes a bite of his sandwich."Two months that we've been friends and we still haven't done nothing very fun."I complain.
He places down his text book and crosses his arms over the table. "Dean you know I can't go out with friends after school and I don't think that there's a lot of "fun" things to do at school."Cas says doing air quotations when he says fun. I lean over the table towards him and with a grin whisper."Who said anything about being in school." Cas' eyes go wide,"Y-You mean ditch?!?"He says a bit loudly. "A little louder Cas I don't think the security guard heard you."I whisper sarcastically. "Sorry Dean, but we can get in so much trouble."He says with his voice small and full of worry. "Please Cas. Do it for me."I beg him. Cas sighs heavily,"Fine." I grin widely and tell Cas my plan.
Two minutes before the class bell rings me and Cas throw away our food and sneak out of the cafeteria and wait by the front door of the school for the bell to ring. A guard notices us and begins to walk closer. The class bell rings and students flood the halls. I grab Cas' hand and run out the door. I have the feeling that we're being followed but I grip Cas' hand tighter instead of looking back. We quickly make it to baby and rush in. I quickly and carefully start her and drive away from the school.
Once we're far enough away I park and take a deep breath. "That was awe-""Terrifying!"Cas cuts me off."Dean what if we get caught?! What if my mom finds out?!? What if we get expelled?!?" Cas panics. His breaths become short and rapid as he gently rocks back and forth. I place both of my hands of his shoulders and turn him to face me. "Cas look at me,"I start,getting him to look into my eyes,"I'm here. We're going to be fine. Ok?"I tell him quietly staring straight into his sparkling blue eyes. He lets out a deep breath and slightly nods.
I smile,"Okay good. So there is a carnival in town wanna go?" I ask him. He tilts his head slightly and squints his eyes."What's a carnival?"He asks. I gasp dramatically."You don't know what a carnival is?" He shakes his head no and I start baby. "Well we're going to one and your going to have an awesome time." I say as I drive off towards the carnival with Cas sitting next to me staring out the window.

As I pull into the carnivals parking lot I start wondering if ditching was a good idea. "Hey,Cas?"Cas hums in response "You're fine that we ditched right?"I ask him hesitantly. He shrugs. "I've never done anything like this before and I guess I was just scared." He says pulling his jackets sleeves over his hands. I nod and look at the entrence. "Well it's not to late to go back if you want."I say as I turn to look at Cas. He glanced down at his hands and quietly says. "No,I want to stay here...with y-"He pauses,"I want to do something fun for a change." He looks up to me and flashes a nervous. I smile and nod before taking baby's keys and stepping out. Cas does the same and looks at the carnival in awe. I smile as Cas looks at all the games and rides. "It smells like heaven." He says referring to the carnivals smell of popcorn,cotton candy,and funnel cake. He trails behind me looking at assortment of lights,games,rides,and prizes. I step up to the ticket both and greet the ticket vendor."Hi two people please and do I pay for the game tickets here or inside?"

The vendor smiles slightly and passes me two bracelets."That'll be $26." I take out my wallet to pull out some money but Cas stops me. "Dean I dont have money..."He says sadly. "Don't worry I'm going to pay."I smile. He shakes his head."Dean,no I can't ask you to pay." I pass the vendor the money,grab the bracelets and put one on Cas. "To bad. I just did and there are no refunds. So, lets go in there and have fun" I grin. Cas smiles and nods before following me inside. I hear him gasp quietly as we walk deep into the carnival.

It started in high school (Destiel )Where stories live. Discover now