Chapter nine

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(You can skip if you want) Wow, 100 reads on this awful story. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. I have a cousin who is a writer who's Wattpad got close to as many followers as I have in half the time I did. She told me it was because she wrote about what people like, but I don't do that. I don't want to do that. The thing I love about my book and my writing is that I write for me. And yeah I love you guys like and are reading my horrible writing but I feel like I write better when I write for me. Anyway, that was random I just wanted to thank you guys for reading onto the story. Now back to the book

Castiel's POV
I walk close to Dean as we navigate through the carnival. I pause starring at a huge bee plush.

Dean's POV
(Sorry but I might start switching POV's like this if it's too confusing I'll stop)
I glance back after noticing Cas stopped walking beside me. I see him staring with his eyes widened and full of all at a giant bee plush. I grin and walk up to the stand opening my wallet."Dean what are you-" Cas starts asking as he makes his way closer."How much for a go and how many points do I need for a big plush?" I ask the guy in charge of the stand
"Five bucks for 5 darts and you need to hit all 5 for a big plush."He says. I nod and hand him the five dollars as he hands me my darts. I glance at Cas who glanced at the plush then at me and the darts in my hand. I hit five balloons with ease while Cas and the man in charge of the stand look at me wide-eyed. "Bee plush please." I tell the man pointing to the bee plush hanging next to Cas." He hands me the plush and grabs the darts off the wall. "Here you go Cas," I say passing the plush to Cas. He stares at me his eyes full of confusion and joy as he holds the bee plush close to him."Y-you're giving it to me?" Cas asks looking down at the bee.

"Yeah. I saw you staring at it so I won it for you."I shrug casually. He looks at me with guilt and regret."Oh no. You didn't...I'm sorry.-"He rambles on. I smile and swing my arm around his shoulder"Cas honestly its ok. Let's just go on a few rides and enjoy our time here.

Cas and I make our way to a ride shaped like a ship that rocks you back and forth. (idk if you guys have seen those rides but I'll try to add a pic below) I hand a worker four tickets two for Cas and two for me. Cas and I sit side by side in the back of the ride. Cas clutches his bee and my arm as the ride starts. As the ride swings us high into the air Cas along with the other people let out screams although Cas's scream was full of fear. "Cas it's ok. Relax a bit." Cas hesitantly lets go of my jacket and closes his eyes. He smiles as the air blows around his messy hair."WHOOOOOOO!" Cas yells throwing a hand in the air like many riders, his other hand was still firmly holding the bee at his side. I smile as I see Cas being to relax and enjoy himself.

Cas and I ride a few roller coasters and other random rides before making our way to the Ferris wheel. Cas looks up at it, his eyes sparkle against the rides bright lights. " Whoa..."He breathes out. I smile at him as I hand over our last tickets and we step into the ride. Cas sits across from me and places the bee on his lap. "Thanks for taking me here Dean."He says as the ride starts. We start being lifted off the ground as Cas continues"I have a big family so we never have much time or money for all of us to do something like this..."He trails off as he glances out the window."So thank you"He says breathlessly. He points out the window down to the whole bright Carnival below us. I look at him as he looks down at the carnival in awe, his smile so bright and his eyes shining against the glow if the lights below."Wow indeed." I say quietly. I lean over to Cas and gently turn his head to face me as I place a kiss on his lips.

Castiel's POV
My eyes widen in terror as Dean's lips touch mine I pull away and Dean looks at me with sadness and regret in his eyes. "Shit...sorry Cas.I-"He tries to say. My eyes begin to water."I can't believe your gay..."I say quietly."Dean...its wrong....a sin!" I say a bit louder. "If my mom found out that I was friends with someone like you..."I trail off as his looks if sorrow and confusion turn to one of annoyance and surprise."Someone like me!?!" He says loudly. What just because I'm gay suddenly I'm different from you?" As if on cue the ride stops and our door opens. Dean stomps out as I quickly get the plush and rush after him "Dean that-" I try to say. "You know its people who are small minded like that who made my life in my old school hell. So what if a guy likes a guy or a girl likes a girl?!?" He rants angrily rushing away. "Dean wait!" I shout as we reach the parking lot. He spins around and looks at me angrily "You know I can't believe you got me to fall for you." He furiously wipes away some tears "Do you have enough for bus money?" He asks me his voice cracking a bit. Unable to bring myself to speak I just nod. He nods angrily and scoffs"Even now I can't hate you." He gets in his car as tears start to brim my eyes. "Dean...I-i...wait!" I call out to him as he drives away. I chase after his car not really caring if people are staring at me for calling out to Dean as I try to look for any indication of where his black Impala went. I stop to catch my breath and wipe away my falling tears." I didn't do anything wrong right...?"I ask God" I was just warning him about his sins." My hand touches my lips as I think back to the kiss. His lips were so warm against mine it felt so right but I knew it was wrong. I clutch the bee plush to my chest and I begin my long walk home.

Dean's Pov
I angrily slam baby's door before apologizing to the car and yanking my house door open. In the middle of the living room, I see my dad comforting a crying Sam. "Shit..." I mutter realizing that I lost track of time when I was with..."Dean where the hell have you been?!?" My dad asks as he walks towards me. "You had me and Sammy worried sick!! And-" He paused seeing my tear-stained face. "Dean, what's wrong?" He asked now considered about me having cried. I glance at Sammy who is now standing up, wiping away his own tears, and looking at me. I look back at my dad as more tears escape from my eyes "I'm sorry dad. I'm sorry I'm late. I'm sorry I'm gay. I'm sorry I couldn't be a normal guy and like girls. I'm sorry I couldn't save m-"My dad stopped me by pulling me into a hug. "There is nothing for you to be sorry about. You hear? You are perfect the way you are son. Don't ever think otherwise. What happened to your mom wasn't your fault it wasn't anybody's fault. There are some things you just can't change and you gotta live with them."
Sam comes over and my dad pulls him into the hug. "Ok now enough with the chick flick moment." My dad says forcing a smile and pulling away. "Go get washed up then get ready for bed," My dad says wiping his eyes. Sammy and I nod as we make our way upstairs. "Dean where were you?"Sam asked, his voice cracking.

I look down in shame "I was out with...Cas and lost track of time..." I struggled to say Cas' name without tears escaping from my eyes. Sammy looks at me in surprised " Cas? Well, then why are you upset?" He asks me.
I frown and wipe away a few tears"Turns out he is just like everybody else."I say before closing my bedroom door and falling on the bed.

Castiel POV
I silently make my way past my mom's room and towards the hallway leading to all my sibling's rooms including mine. "Where have you been Castiel?!?"Micheal says out of nowhere. I jump slightly seeing all my siblings glaring at me. "You had Gabriel worried sick!" Anna added. "He didn't want to get you in trouble so he lied to mom about where you were at but we saw right through his lie," Raphael stated. "Gabriel just passed out from crying you prick!" Luci whisper-shouted, trying not to wake the sleeping Gabriel. Feeling overwhelmed by my sibling's tears began to form in my eyes. I clutched the bee to my chest and tried to make my way around them. "Where do you think you're going?" Luci asked snatching the bee from me. "Give it back Lucifer,"I demanded trying to keep my tears at bay. "Why?"He said tossing it around close to the fan. "You made Gabe cry so you better have a good excuse." He said tossing the bee up higher so that it was almost ripped apart by the fan. "Give me back my bee!!!" I yell as tears fall down my face. "Please!" I cry. Lucifer, surprised by my outburst, tossed the bee right up to the fan. "Nooooo!"I yell in horror as stuffing, black lace, and yellow cloth fall to the floor. "Shit..."Luci mumbles. I scramble for the pieces of the bee. My body begins to shake as I sob. "Cas Luci didn't-" they all start. I grab whatever pieces I could and run to my room locking the door behind me. I hold close the pieces of the shredded bee as I being to shake violently with each sob.

Wow, it hurt me to write that...Anyway, I hoped you like this update. I got the idea for this while I was trying to go to sleep so I had to write it down. Please comment and like baiiiiii

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