Chapter 16

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Castiel's POV
I wake up at 5 am like I usually do at home. I try to wiggle out of Deans arms but he starts to wake up. "What time is it?" He asks sleepily. "Sorry I didn't want to wake you up." I apologize. He sits up and wipes his face. "Nah it's fine." He looks at me and smiles. My heart melts. "Well we're up so lets make some food. What about pancakes?" He asks getting up and grabbing a shirt from his drawer. I push myself off the bed, "Yeah sure." Dean looks back and me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Is it just me or are we already acting like we've been together for years?" He asks smiling brightly. I nod as he gives me a quick kiss. "Look I know this is a weird thing to say but I kinda feel like we've known or been together for a long time or something." (*cough* Around eight years *cough*)He shakes his head. "Dang Cas you're making me all sappy. I'm going to loose all my street cred." I grin. "What street cred?" I ask pretending to look around. Dean pulls away from me and puts a hand on his heart. "Ouch." I laugh. "Let's go eat before you hurt my pride anymore." Dean say's grabbing my hand and leading me downstairs to his kitchen. He scours the cabinets for the pancake mix, syrup, fruit, butter, and grabs bacon out of the fridge. I stand close by him watching him work. "Cas can you pass me the milk and eggs?"He asks. I quickly pass him the milk and eggs. He moves around the kitchen and begins to take out a pan for the bacon. "Mix the bowl of pancake mix until its smooth." He commands. I do as he says. And watch him begin to cut the fruit into bite sized pieces. "I'm done." I inform Dean . He grabs the batter from me and starts pouring portions of it on a pan. "Can you set out three spots on the table please." He asks me while keeping an eye on both the pancakes and the bacon. I nod and grab three knives, forks, plates, and glasses. I set each spot with the plate in the middle the fork and knife on both sides of it and a glass on the top right. "Whats all this?" A sleepy voice calls from the stairs. "Hey Sammy."Dean greets his younger brother while bringing the pancakes to the table. "Come eat."He tells Sam.

Hey guys sorry that this is shorter than normal and took so long to be posted. Since school is coming up I have been busy. When school I'm still going to try to update this story often but sometimes I might update this story once a month. Well see. Hope you still liked it. Baiiiiiiii

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