Chapter 6

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Dean POV
I walked into my first period class about 10 minutes late. I open the door and step in. "Excuse me young man but hasn't your mother taught you manners."Said the teacher.My jaw and fists clench."You are supposed to knock before you enter a room especially when your late." I say nothing and stand there stiff. "Your mother must be a savage. Take a seat." I'm fuming mad as I walk over to the only chair available . It's in the back of the class room next to a black haired boy in a hoodie. I sit down next to him and let out a angry sigh. "Fucking dick."I mumble quietly. Who did the teacher think he was talking bad about my mom. She was the most kind,smart,beautiful woman. He has no right to assume the worst of her. I begin to shake with anger.
"A-are you ok?"Asks the boy next to me quietly. I look over to him and realize its the guy from earlier. "Hey. Aren't you that guy who had trouble opening his locker?"I ask him. He nods but doesn't make eye contact. "What's your name?"I ask him trying to keep my mind off my jerk teacher. "C-Castiel." He says his voice low and gravely. He looks at me with his bluer than blue eyes and my breath hitches."I'm Castiel Novak." I smile and study his face. He had bags under his eyes and messy black hair. "So Cas,"I start."Is this teacher a dick to everyone or..." Castiel shrugs. "Some people like Mr.Metatron some don't." I nod and run a hand through my hair. "Thank you for helping me earlier."Cas thanks me quietly. I lean my elbow on our shared table and look at him with a grin. "No problem." He looks away with a small blush on his face. I look over to professor dick head,my nickname for Mr Metatron, and see him yapping on about something.I lean back on my chair and groan. "It's not even the beginning of my first day here and I'm already hating it." I look towards Cas who is messing with his hoodies sleeve. "You don't talk much do you?"I ask Cas. He shrugs."I don't have many friends. And I'm not used to attention of any kind."He replies. I wrap an arm around him and grin."Well you gotta friend now." He smiles and my heart begins to race. I look at the clock and see class is almost over. I sigh in relief. "Almost time to leave professor dick heads class."I say to myself. "Professor dick head?"Cas says confused. I chuckle,"Yeah it's my nick name for Mr.Metatron." He smiles lightly. "It suites him."He says.

Sorry if its awful I'm half asleep. I just wrote this because I'm procrastinating I have writing homework to do but I'm writing instead so...yeah. Hope you guys liked this chapter hopefully my future chapters don't suck. I'm always open to writing and story suggestion. If I have any writing or spelling mistakes please tell me.

It started in high school (Destiel )Where stories live. Discover now