One: Micah

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Tuesday, August 5th, 2014

"Are you still looking for a roommate?" Misha asked, voice muffled slightly by whatever she was doing on the opposite end of the phone.

"You mean since you stole my last one? Yes," Micah replied. He was stuck in traffic on his commute home from work, something his twin sister Misha knew, which was why she'd called when he had no excuse not to talk to her. It wasn't that he didn't like talking to her, he just wasn't much of a talker.

"You're gonna have to get over that," she said. "But anyways, I know someone looking to move to DC in September and may have mentioned your name."


"Do you remember Hayes Wexler?"

"Should I?"

"She was one of the bridesmaids at Claudia's wedding. Olive skin, really pretty, was a competitive gymnast?"

Micah tried to think back to their cousin's wedding but all he could remember was avoiding the attention of a very determined matchmaking aunt. "Doesn't ring a bell."

Misha sighed. "Of course not. She's starting at GWU for her Master's in Museum Studies and since she needs somewhere to live and you need a roommate, I thought you two could help each other out."

Micah was silent for a moment, merging into a different lane and thinking it over. He didn't need a roommate, he'd been living in his two bedroom apartment alone for a few months and was able to afford it fine, but not having one did leave his finances stretched thinner than he liked them. Even a broke grad student to pay a bit of the rent would be a small relief. And if it meant splitting cleaning duties, that was an added bonus.

"Does she want to come look at the place or does she trust your assessment?" he asked.

"She's actually flying down in two weeks to job hunt so I could suggest she check it out then," Misha replied, sounding satisfied.

"Okay. Fill me in on the details whenever you get them."

"When do I not?"

"All the time," he said dryly. The conversation devolved into an argument about Misha's inability to convey details of a plan before the last possible moment, then hopped between several other topics before ending when he pulled into the underground parking of his building. She promised to send him more details as soon as she arranged them but he didn't have much faith.

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