Twenty Three: Micah

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Monday, August 24th, 2015

Hayes, with a blanket wrapped tightly around her head and shoulders, shuffled out of her room and past him to the kitchen. Micah glanced up, then back to his work, then back up to her with concern. Her eyes were puffy and ringed with red, her nose was pink, and what was visible of her face was blotchy and tear-streaked. She remained silent as she retrieved a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water from the fridge.

"Are you okay?" Micah finally asked.

"Do I look okay?" she countered sullenly, pulling an unopened box of cookies from a different cupboard.

"No, which is why I asked," he replied. "Living with Misha has taught me not to start the conversation by pointing out that someone looks like shit."

She sighed. "I'm just stressed. Tuition is due next week and I'm in so much debt and there are so few jobs in my field that pay enough to actually pay off my student debt that my best choice is probably going to be to go further into debt, get my PhD and become a professor which I don't want to do. And then M—"

She cut herself off, the word trailing off in an exhale, taking a sip of water to cover her incomplete sentence. "I'm just stressed."

"Let me know if there's anything I can do to help," he offered.

She murmured something too low for him to hear and retreated back to her room with the water and cookies.

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