Four: Micah

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Sunday, September 7th, 2014

Hayes sat down in the opposite chair, throwing a map in front of him. "There are eighteen museums and galleries that make up the Smithsonian and we're going to all of them."

"Today?" Micah asked, taking another bite of his toast. In the week and a half they'd been living together they'd managed to relax around each other and strike up a strange friendship they were still exploring. They'd also gotten to know the other's schedule and habits. It was 9am and he wasn't used to Hayes being functional so early, so the conviction with which she'd made the declaration was throwing him for a loop.

"No, over the next eighteen Sundays that you're free."


"Because I'm studying museums and I've never been to the world's largest museum and research complex and now I live in the same city as it!"

"But why am I going with you?" he asked, rubbing his temple. He could already imagine the crowds and how impossible it would be to move around.

"Because I don't have any friends."

"You can't make friends?"

"Come on, Micah. Think of it as roommate bonding time," she said, bouncing to her feet. "We get to learn stuff for free and walk around really cool buildings and hopefully run into people who can give me a job in the future."

"Is this a networking opportunity, an educational opportunity, or a bonding opportunity?"

"All three," she replied. Obviously sensing he wasn't sold on the idea she sat back down in one of the side chairs and leaned towards him, smiling sweetly. "I'll let you pick the first one."

He looked at her out of the corner of his eye for a few beats before sighing. "Fine, but eventually we're going to have to do something that I enjoy."

"Deal. Where are we going first?" she asked, tapping on the map in front of him.

"National Air and Space Museum," he replied after a moment of silence.

"Sounds informative. Are you ready to go?"


"Yes, now."

"It doesn't open for another hour," Micah pointed out.

Hayes's forehead scrunched. "How long does it take to get there?"

"Ten, maybe fifteen minutes."

"Oh." She paused. "Can we aim to be there for 10am?"

"Sure, if that's what you want."

"It is."

"Okay, then we'll leave at 9:45am."

She grinned and jumped to her feet again. "This is going to be amazing!"

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