Forty Two: Hayes

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Friday, April 8th, 2016

Hayes was restless. She was supposed to be apartment hunting so she would have somewhere to live when she moved back to New York, but every time she tried to sit down and seriously consider any of the places her parents had sent her, she found herself sinking into a foul mood and needing to pace the apartment. She couldn't focus on anything that she needed to do.

She tossed herself down into the chair opposite Micah at the dining table. He hadn't been helping the apartment hunt in the slightest, being noncommittal about what he thought of any of the places she showed him. His only question was if the place would allow her to keep Bastet, as though the cat would allow herself to be pried away from his side to move to New York.

"Any new potential places?" he asked, looking up from his dinner.

"No," she replied sullenly.

She knew why none of the places suited her. She didn't want to leave DC, or more specifically didn't want to leave Micah. If he was moving with her, she had no doubt she would be loving the process of house hunting. But he wasn't, and so she hated it.

"Have you looked in places other than New York?" he asked.

"Like where?"

He shrugged. "Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, Dallas... there are dozens of other cities in the country. And you could theoretically get work in any country that speaks English, French, or Spanish, too, which opens up a bunch more options. You don't have to go back to New York."

Hayes bit her lower lip, considering what he'd said. She had always assumed that she would go back to New York one day, but he was right. She could go anywhere in the world if she really wanted. There were hundreds of museums and art galleries throughout Spain and France, big ones like the Louvre or the Museo del Prado and smaller ones she hadn't discovered yet. She didn't have to go back to New York if her heart wasn't in it.

Her heart, of course, was in DC.

"Micah?" She thought he straightened slightly when she said his name, but she couldn't be sure.


"Would you ever ask me to stay?"

He was quiet, thinking the question over. "Only if I was absolutely sure that it was what you wanted."

"How would you know if it's what I wanted or not?"

"I don't know." He paused, considering her. "Would you like me to ask you to stay?"

"I don't know," she replied. Not if they were going to be just friends. Not if she would have to watch him fall in love with someone else.

"Well if you figure it out, let me know. I'm always around," he said. He stood and went back to the kitchen to clean up.

Hayes nodded, mostly to herself. She wasn't sure if she would ever figure it out, but if she did, he would be the first to know.

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