Forty Three: Micah

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Sunday, May 15th, 2016

Micah hadn't seen much of Hayes since mid April. She'd spent long days on campus preparing for exams in the last two weeks of April, then the exam period had run from the 2nd to the 10th, and then the five days since she'd been busy with her parents who were in town or with her friends from her program preparing for commencement which, if her Snapchats were any indication, consisted mostly of drinking and reminiscing about the two years they'd spent together. But she'd texted him a reminder of where to be and when so at least he knew she hadn't forgotten about him already. With her near constant search for apartments in New York he'd been starting to think she'd mentally moved weeks ago.

He'd been greeted by an enthusiastic Holly when he'd arrived at the venue for Hayes's commencement. She was like a calmer version of her older sister, with the same big brown eyes and wavy brown hair, although hers was considerably longer. She had thankfully taken the lead and introduced him to the Wexler parents, Jerry and Monica.

Jerry didn't seem to remember the first time they'd met while moving Hayes into the apartment and was once again staring him down using the full force of his intimidating presence. Monica was lovely, questioning him about his job and family, listening to his answers with encouraging nods. Something about the situation seemed to amuse Holly but she didn't share what it was.

Once they found seats, Holly put herself between Micah and her parents with an apologetic look. "Sorry, they're a lot."

"It's fine," he replied with a polite smile.

"Hayes should have warned you. She tried to tell them to be nice to you but they're still convinced you two are secretly dating."

"Oh. They're—we're not—no."

"I know, but they don't. Which is why they're giving you the third degree."

Micah's face pinched, the conversation with Monica suddenly falling into a new light. "Oh."

"Now you get it," Holly said. "Don't worry though, you did great."

The music and procession started, distracting Micah from wondering what kind of impression he'd made.


The ceremony ended and Micah followed the Wexler family to an area where they could meet the graduates and get pictures in the caps and gowns. There were hundreds of people pressed together. Micah scanned faces, keeping his arms as close to his body as he could, trying to ignore his tense muscles and rapid heartbeat.

"Micah!" Hayes called from somewhere behind him. He turned just in time to catch her as she jumped and wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms automatically curled around her, and her momentum carried them around in a half circle so she landed between him and her parents. She beamed up at him, then turned to face her family. "I'm officially done!"

Hayes hugged her parents and Holly fiercely, her bright smile never leaving her face, then returned to him and tucked herself under his arm.

"Congratulations," he said, leaning down so he wouldn't have to shout over the crowd. Her arms tightened around his middle and she looked up at him with a soft expression. Strangely, he felt less crowded than he had before she'd arrived, and the pressure on his chest was decidedly warmer than the icy anxiety he usually felt in large crowds.

"We need pictures!" Holly exclaimed, drawing Micah's attention back to the rest of the Wexler family. A flush rose in his cheeks when he saw the amused skepticism on Jerry and Monica's faces. Holly pulled Hayes away and whispered something that made her turn bright red.

"Girls, stand in front of the school logo there," Monica instructed, allowing the moment to pass without comment.

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