10. Preposition (Prep)

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Biar gampang memahami materi ini, silahkan cek gambar di bawah ini dulu yak. ringkas-seringkas-ringkasnya :D

 ringkas-seringkas-ringkasnya :D

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Preposition/ kata depan

Definisi: kata yang diletakkan sebelum noun atau pronoun untuk menunjukkan waktu, posisi, tempat ataupun metode/cara.

Macam-macam preposition berdasarkan keterikatan dengan kata yang lain:

1. Free preposition: preposition yang tidak terikat dengan kata lainnya.

Preposition of Time

A. 'at' digunakan untuk:

a. time of the day (at 6 a.m., at 9 p.m.)


- She usually wakes up at 4 a.m.

- The meeting at five o'clock has been cancelled.

b. part of the day (at noon, at night, at midnight)


- I don't like going out at night.

- I saw him at noon.

c. beberapa expression seperti 'at the week-end/ at the week-ends, at the moment/ at present, at the same time, at Christmas/ at Easter (masa liburan umum), at the age of....


- Elsa and Harry arrived at the same time.

- Mr. Smith is busy at the moment.

- John left school at the age of 16/ at 16.

B. 'on' digunakan untuk:

a. name of the day (on Sunday, on Friday, on holiday, on Christmas Day)

e.g.: Many shops don't open on Sundays.

b. dates (on March 20)

e.g.; we will hold annual meeting on March 20.

C. 'in' digunakan untuk:

a. part of the day (in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening)

e.g.: Bye, see you in the morning. (=tomorrow morning)

b. month (in March, in July, in August)

e.g.; We are getting married in July.

c. season (in the fall, in the summer, in the winter, in the spring, in the autumn)

e.g.; I saw him in the winter.

d. year (in 1991, in 1945, in 2012)

e.g.: My sister was born in 1991.

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