27. Passive Voice

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Setelah berkutat dengan kalimat aktif, di bab ini kita belajar tentang kalimat pasif yak. Cekidot....

1. Passive Voice (PV) atau kalimat pasif adalah kalimat dimana subjeknya dikenai pekerjaan, tindakan atau perbuatan. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, PV biasanya diartikan 'di/ ter'


- Active Voice (AV): Elsa memakan apel.

- Passive Voice (PV): Apel dimakan oleh Elsa.

2. Ciri-ciri Passive Voice: be + V3

3. Syarat Passive Voice (PV)

a. kalimat verbal

b. verb harus transitive (memiliki object), baik monotransitive verb ataupun ditransitive verb

c. subject pada AV menjadi object di PV setelah preposistion 'by' (perubahan bentuk Subject & Object bisa dicek ulang pada materi pronoun)

AV: A cat caught a mouse.

PV: A mouse was caught by a cat.

4. Yang tidak bisa di-passive- kan

a. kalimat nominal

b. intransitive verb (verb yang tidak butuh object)

c. certain transitive verb, yang meliputi

- fit (cocok/ mencocokkan): This jacket doesn't fit me.

- lack (kekurangan): He lacks confidence.

- resemble (mirip): Elsa resembles her mother.

- suit (cocok dengan/ menyesuaikan: Blue suits you.

- have* (mempunyai/ memiliki): He has an expensive car.

*Note: have dapat di-passive-kan dengan menggunakan synonym verb nya yaitu belong to, possess, atau own, sehingga kalimat tersebut jika di-passive-kan menjadi:

- An expensive car belongs to him.

- An expensive car is possessed by him.

- An expensive car is owned by him.

5. Jumlah tenses dalam Passive Voice (PV) ada 10 tenses, dimana rumus ini dapat diperoleh dengan cara persilangan seperti pada rumus Active Voice dan Nominal sentence.

 Jumlah tenses dalam Passive Voice (PV) ada 10 tenses, dimana rumus ini dapat diperoleh dengan cara persilangan seperti pada rumus Active Voice dan Nominal sentence

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a. AV: Shinta will sent a letter.

PV: A letter will be sent by Shinta.

b. AV: He has made a cup of coffee.

PV: A cup of coffee has been made by him.

c. AV: We are preparing this report.

PV: This report is being prepared by us.

d. AV: Harry drew those pictures.

PV: Those pictures was drawn by Harry.

6. Pola by + O atau by agent bisa dihilangkan apabila:

a. tidak penting menyebutkan pelaku

e.g.: This antique table was made in 1734.

b. pelakunya tidak jelas (indefinite pronoun); someone, somebody, anyone, etc.

AV: Someone built that house ten years ago.

PV: That house was built ten years ago.

c. sudah menjadi profesi pelaku

e.g.: This letter has been sent (by the postman).

d. sudah diketahui oleh khalayak umum

e.g.: The Suramadu bridge was built in 2008 (by the government).

7. Passive Voice dengan 2 Object (Ditransitive Verb)


AV: S + Vt + IO + DO atau S + Vt + DO + for/ to + IO

PV: DO + be + V3 + for/ to + IO + by agent atau

IO + be + V3 + DO + by agent


AV: He gave her a flower.

PV: A flower was given to her by him.

She was given a flower by him.

8. Stative Passive: kalimat yang menggunakan bentuk be + V3, tapi bukan kalimat passive. Kalimat tersebut termasuk kalimat nominal karena V3 berupa past participle yang digunakan sebagai adjective. Beberapa verb yang termasuk dalam Certain Stative Passive antara lain:

amaze, amuse, annoy, bear (born), block, bore, break, charm, confuse, concern, crowd, damage, delight, depress, disappoint, divorce, do, embarrass, excite, exhaust, finish, frighten, go, increase, insure, interest, locate, lock, lost, marry, qualify, satisfy, scare, shock, stress, surprise, stick, tire, turn off, worry.


a. The door was locked by me five minutes ago. Now, the door is locked.

b. I am interested in Photography.

c. He is satisfied with his job.

d. I am finished with my work.

e. I can't find my purse. It is gone.

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