20. Simple Future & Future Continuous

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Yuuk.... mari kita beranjak ke masa depan. Hehehe

Simple Future

A. Rumus Active Voice

(+) S + will + V1 (+O + Adv.)

(-) S + will + not + V1 (O + Adv.)

(?) Will + S + V1 (+O + Adv.)?

(-?) Will + S + not + V1 (+O + Adv.)?

Won't + S + V1 (+O + Adv.)?


(+) They will come soon.

(-) They will not come soon.

(?) Will they come soon?

(-?) Will they not come soon?

Won't they come soon?

B. Rumus Nominal Sentence

(+) S + will + be + ANA

(-) S + will + not + be + ANA

(?) Will + S + be + ANA?

(-?) Will + S + not + be + ANA?

Won't + S + be + ANA?


(+) You will be late.

(-) Yo will not be late

(?) Will you be late?

(-?) Will you not be late?

Won't you be late?

C. Time Signal:

- tomorrow: besok

- tonight: nanti malam

- this evening: malam ini

- this weekend: akhir pekan ini

- soon: segera

- later: nanti

- next week/ month/ year/etc.: minggu/ bulan/ tahun depan, dll.

D. Fungsi Simple Future

1. Menyatakan kegiatan yang terjadi di masa yang akan datang


- He will finish his work tomorrow.

- My family will arrive this evening.

Future Continuous

A. Rumus Active Voice

(+) S + will + be + Ving (+O + Adv.)

(-) S + will + not + be + Ving (O + Adv.)

(?) Will + S + be + Ving (+O + Adv.)?

(-?) Will + S + not + be + Ving (+O + Adv.)?

Won't + S + be + Ving (+O + Adv.)?


(+) she will be attending the meeting.

(-) She will not be attending the meeting.

(?) Will she be attending the meeting?

(-?) Will she not be attending the meeting?

Won't she be attending the meeting?

B. Rumus Nominal Sentence = rumus nominal sentence Simple Future.

C. Time Signal: menggunakan keterangan waktu yang lebih spesifik

- at 7 o'clock tomorrow: jam 7 besok

- at the same time tomorrow: pada waktu yang sama besok

- at this time tomorrow: pada saat seperti ini besok

- tomorrow morning: besok pagi

- soon: segera

- etc.

D. Fungsi Future Continuous

1. Menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung di masa yang akan datang


- She will be coming soon.

- Don't phone me at 7 p.m. I will be studying then.

2. Menyatakan kegiatan di masa yang akan datang yang sudah direncanakan/ merupakan bagian dari rutinitas yang sudah terjadwal.


- Right now I am attending class. Tomorrow at this time, will be attending class.

3. Menyatakan durasi waktu tertentu untuk kegiatan di masa yang akan datang (disertai time duration)


- She will be working on that book for a long time.

- He will be having trouble with his teeth all his life.

Singkat aja ya... smoga bermanfaat

see ya...

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