12. Sentence

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Bab pertama untuk materi tenses yak :)


Definisi: Rangkaian kata yang memiliki makna dan berpola subject dan verb (S + V).

Macam - macam sentence:

A. Berdasarkan Verb -nya

Pasti ingat dong dengan yang namanya ordinary dan auxiliary verb. Yuhuu.... Ordinary verb = kata kerja utama yang wajib ada, sedangkan auxiliary verb = kata kerja bantu (tugasnya bantu-bantu aja nih, jadi boleh ada boleh nggak). Jenis kalimat berdasarkan ordinary verb nya ada 2, yaitu:

1. Kalimat verbal: kalimat yang ordinary verb-nya bukan anggota 'be.' Ingat ya, anggota 'be' terdiri atas is, am, are, was, were, be, being, been.


- My mother gave me much money.

- He is running quickly.

- She was sleeping in her room.

- They will be swimming tomorrow.

Loh...kalimat kedua, ketiga dan keempat kan ada anggota 'be' berupa 'is', 'was' dan 'be' berarti bukan kalimat verbal dongs..?

Iyuup...ketiga kalimat tersebut memang memiliki anggota 'be' tapi berfungsi sebagai auxiliary verb. Ingat, ordinary verb adalah verb utama yang letaknya paling kanan. Jadi, kedua kalimat tersebut termasuk dalam kalimat verbal.

2. Kalimat nominal: kalimat yang ordinary verb -nya beruba anggota 'be'


- Harry is handsome.

- Elsa was in the class.

- They will be here.

B. Berdasarkan bentuknya

1. Statement/ kalimat pernyataan

a. positive/ affirmative


- We are watching movie.

- My brother is a doctor.

b. negative


- We are not watching movie.

- My brother is not a doctor.

2. Question/ kalimat tanya/ pertanyaan

a. yes/ no question


- Do you understand?

- Is he your uncle?

b. informative question


- Who are you?

- Where does he live?

3. Imperative/ kalimat perintah

a. perintah


- Listen to me!

- Come here!

b. larangan


- Don't go anywhere!

- Don't be noisy!

4. Exclamation/ kalimat seru


- What a beautiful day today is!

- How beautifully she sings!

C. Berdasarkan strukturnya

1. Simple sentence; kalimat yang hanya memiliki 1 verb utama/ main verb (MV).


- Harry drinks a cup of coffee every morning.

- Elsa sent me a message.

2. Compound sentence/ kalimat majemuk setara: kalimat yang memiliki 2 main verb (MV) atau lebih. Kalimat ini menggunakan compound conjunction.


- You must study hard, or you will get a bad score.

- She is beautiful, but she is very arrogant.

3. Complex sentence/ kalimat majemuk bertingkat: kalimat yang memiliki 1 main clause (MC) dan 1 sub clause (SC) atau lebih. Verb dalam MC disebut dengan Main Verb (MV), sedangkan verb dalam SC disebut dengan Sub Verb (SV). Kalimat ini menggunakan complex conjunction.


- I talk to the girl who is sitting next to me.

MC: I talk to the girl

SC: who is sitting next to me

- Elsa made a cake before she went to her aunty's house.

MC: Elsa made a cake

SC: before she went to her aunty's house.

Bagian-bagian kalimat

1. Subject: pelaku >> orang/ benda yang dibicarakan. Yang bisa menjadi subject ada 6, yaitu:

a. noun: Mr. Smith works in Jakarta.

b. pronoun: He is very smart.

c. noun phrase: An old lady needs help to cross the street.

d. noun clause: What you say is true.

e. gerund (Ving): Running makes our body healthy.

f. to infinitive (to + V1): To say is easy, and to do is difficult.

2. Verb: kata kerja


- Elsa torn her letter.

- Amanda was sweeping the floor.

- I am here.

3. Object: sasaran kata kerja. Yang bisa menjadi object of verb = subject, yaitu:

a. noun: She is boiling water.

b. pronoun: He called her.

c. noun phrase: Amanda met a handsome man.

d. noun clause: I know what you mean.

e. gerund: My sister loves cooking.

f. to infinitive: He needs to sleep.

4. Adverb: kata keterangan

a. real adverb: We will hold a meeting tomorrow.

b. prepositional phrase: Elsa reads a novel in her room.

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