37. Comparison Degree/ Degree of Comparison

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Degree of comparison atau perbandingan sebenarnya masuk dalam materi Adverbial Clause (AVC) of comparison. Tapi karena AVC udah banyak banget, makanya dipisah. Hehehe

Macam-macam Degree of Comparison:

1. Adjectival/ Adverbial Comparison: untuk membandingkan adjective dengan adjective dan adverb dengan adverb

A. Positive degree: setara

- as + adj/ adv. + as : se.... (untuk kalimat (+) dan (-))

- so + adj./ adv. + as : tidak se... (untuk kalimat (-))


a. The book costs Rp 50.000,-. The novel costs Rp 50.000,-

>> The book is as expensive as the novel (is)/ is the novel.

b. Harry did his job well. Jim did his job well.

>> Harry did his job as well as Jim (did)/ did Jim.

c. Today isn't so/ as hot as yesterday (is)/ is yesterday.

B. comparative degree: tidak setara

- adj./ adv. + -er + than... : lebih...daripada...

- more + adj./ adv. + than...: lebih...daripada...

- less + adj./ adv. + than: kurang...daripada...


a. This book is cheaper than that novel (is)/ is that novel.

b. He is less kind than his brother (is)/ is his brother.

c. Ann sings more beautifully than Elsa (does)/ does Elsa.

d. She speaks English more fluently than I (do)/ do I.

C. Superlative degree: paling/ ter... diantara/ di...

- The + adj./ adv. + est (+ of/ in)...

- The most + adj./adv. (+of/ in)...


a. Elsa is the most diligent student in this class.

b. Surabaya is the biggest city in East Java.

c. You danced the most beautifully of your friends.


Positive & Comparative degree digunakan untuk membandingkan 2 hal, sedangkan Superlative digunakan untuk membandingkan 3 hal atau lebih.

2. Noun Comparison

A. Similiarity: persamaan

- the same....as...: sama...dengan....

- similar...to...: sama...dengan....


a. He is wearing the same T-shirt as his friend is.

b. My skirt has similar color to his shoes.

c. Motels are the same as hotels.

d. Motels are similar to hotels.

B. Difference: perbedaan

- different....from....: berbeda....dengan/dari....


a. I am different from my sister.

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