19. Past Perfect & Past Perfect Continuous

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setelah nggak update beberapa hari.... yuk sekarang kita bahas sesuatu yang lebih lampau daripada Simple Past.

Past Perfect

A. Rumus Active Voice

(+) S + had + V3 (+O + Adv.)

(-) S + had + not + V3+O + Adv.)

(?) Had + S + V3 (+O + Adv.)?

(-?) Had + S + not + V3 (+O + Adv.)?

Hadn't + S + V3 (+O + Adv.)?


(+) Harry had called his parents.

(-) Harry had not called his parents.

(?) Had Harry called his parents?

(-?) Had Harry not called his parents?

Hadn't Harry called his parents?

B. Rumus Nominal Sentence

(+) S + had + been + ANA

(-) S + had + not + been + ANA

(?) Had + S + been + ANA?

(-?) Had + S + not + been + ANA?

Hadn't + S + been + ANA?


(+) They had been here.

(-) They had not been here.

(?) Had they been here?

(-?) Had they not been here?

Hadn't they been here?

C. Time Signal: keterangan waktu yang digunakan adalah Time Duration Process (TDP) dan Time Duration Result (TDR)

- TDP: since, for

- TDR: just, already

D. Fungsi Past Perfect

1. Menyatakan kegiatan yang lebih lampau daripada Simple Past


a. I had studied for ten minutes when the phone rang. (Aku telah belajar selama 10 menit ketika telepon berbunyi) >> kalimat ini menunjukkan bahwa 'aku' belum selesai belajar ketika telepon berbunyi (ditandai dengan adanya TDP berupa 'for'). Berbeda dengan kalimat 'b' berikut:

b. Sam had already eaten before we got there. (Sam telah selesai makan sebelum kami sampai disana) >> kalimat ini menunjukkan bahwa Sam sudah tidak makan lagi ketika kami sampai disana (ditandai dengan TDR berupa 'already')

Past Perfect Continuous

A. Rumus Active Voice

(+) S + had + been + Ving (+O + Adv.)

(-) S + had + not + been + Ving + (O + Adv.)

(?) Had + S + been + Ving (+O + Adv.)?

(-?) Had + S + not + been + Ving (+O + Adv.)?

Hadn't + S + been + Ving (+O + Adv.)?


(+) We had been waiting for you.

(-) We had not been waiting for you.

(?) Had we been waiting for you?

(-?) Had we not been waiting for you?

Hadn't we been waiting for you?

B. Rumus Nominal Sentence = rumus nominal sentence Past Perfect

C. Time Signal: keterangan waktu yang digunakan adalah Time Duration berupa 'since' dan 'for'

D. Fungsi Past Perfect Continuous

1. Menyatakan kegiatan yang masih berlangsung sebelum kegiatan yang lain muncul di masa lampau.


a. The patient had been waiting in emergency room for almost an hour before a doctor finally treated her. (Pasien telah menunggu di ruang gawat darurat selama hampir 1 jam sebelum akhirnya sang dokter merawatnya)

b. He finally came at six. I had been waiting for him since four-thirty. (Dia akhirnya datang jam 6. Aku telah menunggunya sejak jam 4.30)

c. Her eyes were red because she had been crying. (matanya merah karena di baru saja menangis)

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