14. Subject - Verb Agreement (SVA)

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Holaaa.... Gimana nih, udah hafal nama tensesnya kan? Sekarang bahas tentang subject - verb agreement atau penyesuaian subject dan verb. Dalam penyusunan kalimat nanti, kita nggak boleh sembarangan menggunakan verb loh ya. Yuk... cekidot :)

Nah, gambar di atas merupakan ringkasan dari materi SVA yak

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Nah, gambar di atas merupakan ringkasan dari materi SVA yak. Semoga tulisan saya bisa dibaca. Hehehe. Untuk detailnya, silahkan baca sampai akhir bab yak.

1. Simple Present (S.Pr) hanya untuk kalimat negative (-) dan interrogative (?)

- I, you, they, we, plural noun >> do

- he, she, it, singular noun >> does


- I do not like dancing.

- He does not bring an umbrella.

- Does Ann have much money?

- Do Amanda and Elsa come late?

2. Present Continuous (Pr.C)

- I >> am

- you, they, we, plural noun >> are

- he, she, it, singular noun >> is


- I am typing a message.

- You are sitting next to me.

- The students are in the class.

- He is singing a song.

- My book is on the table.

3. Present Perfect (Pr.Pf)

- I, you, they, we, plural noun >> have

- he, she, it, singular noun >> has


- I have met you.

- The tourists have visited this place.

- She has worn a new skirt.

- A man has called me.

4. Simple Past (S.Ps) hanya untuk kalimat negative (-) dan interrogative (?)

- I, you, they, we, he, she, it, plural and singular noun >> did


- I did not buy a book.

- Did you find your keys?

- We did not go anywhere.

5. Past Continuous (Ps.C)

- I >> was

- you, they, we, plural noun >> were

- he, she, it, singular noun >> was


- A man was smoking.

- They were running.

- A cat was eating a big fish.

6. Past Perfect (Ps.Pf)

- I, you, they, we, he, she, it, plural and singular noun >> had


- I had lived there.

- The singers had sung an old song.

7. Simple Future (S.F)

- I, we >> will/ shall

- you, they, he, she, it, plural and singular noun >> will


- We will follow our leader.

- She will love you.

8. Past Future (Ps.F)

- I, we >> would/ should

- you, they, he, she, it, plural and singular noun >> would


- I would drink a cup of coffee.

- She would receive your message.

9. Modal auxiliary selalu bertemu V1 murni.


- Harry can speak English well.

- Someone will call you.

10. Jika terdapat preposition pada subject, maka yang dihitung sebagai subject adalah noun sebelum preposition.

- Amanda with her brother is watching TV.


untuk mempermudah hafalan, ingat ini yaa...

- subject yang single selalu suka 's', kecuali 'I'

Kenapa? karena 'I' spesial, maka 'I' hanya suka 's' pada saat menggunakan rumus past continuous.

- subject yang plural tidak suka 's'

Yuk, coba beberapa soal berikut agar lebih paham. Judulnya very easy exercise. Pilih jawaban yang benar di dalam tanda kurung yak.

1. Flowers in my garden (grows/grow) fast.

2. A student (is/are) doing the test.

3. The mice (was/were) caught by the cats.

4. The man will (goes/go) fishing.

5. Elsa and Harry (has/have) been waiting for me.

Daaan....jawabannya adalaah.....

1. grow >> flowers adalah plural noun.

2. is >> student adalah singular noun.

3. were >> mice adalah bentuk plural dari mouse.

4. go >> ada modal auxiliary berupa will.

5. have >> Elsa and Harry adalah plural noun.

Bener semua kan jawaban dari temen-temen?

Yup, sekian dulu yak. Semoga bermanfaat. Next chapter kita akan bahas rumus tenses dan asal-muasalnya. See ya :)

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