Chapter 6

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"Tom, I thought you were getting help with your anger issues?" Star asked sounding slightly scared about the outburst he just had. She hadn't seen him angry like that since the blood moon ball. "ya I know... I was working on it until you and Marco got together... but, I actually have a meeting with Brian, my coach later today. Hopefully, it's the last one I have to go to" Tom explained "oh Tom that great. I'm so proud of you!" star exclaimed.

tom began to think to himself perhaps star also had feelings for him. He wasn't sure but she hadn't wanted him around until now and she was being nice, she even said she was proud of him! She hasn't said anything like that since they were dating. Tom's heart was filling up with more joy and hope, he had never been this hopefull in his whole life.

The two continued to talk until Tom had to go to meet with Brian. When Tom left Star decided to go get something to eat. She went downstairs where Marco had just made nachos, Star's favorite Earth food! If she wanted to eat some she would have to talk to Marco or so she thought... Star walked over to the couch where Marco was seated and plopped down next to him. She sat and stared at the nachos for a minute before asking "Haaay Marco, do you think maybe I could have a few nachos?" Marco didn't say anything he simply handed Star the bowl of nachos and retreated upstairs. Star sat there and happily enjoyed the nachos... alone. After eating all the nachos Star went back up to her room and did her homework because she remembered she had school tomorrow.

After her homework she messaged Tom.

Haaaaaaaaaaaay Tom! WAZZZZZZ up?

not much. But guess what!!!


I am officially done my anger management course. Now I am not completely anger free but I am better, I have it under control!


omg, Tom I'm so proud of you that is great!!!!

ya thanks
so uh since I can now control my anger for the most part... do you wanna go get a corn shake sometime?

uhh... idk I'll have to think about it.
how about I come over to your place tomorrow instead of going to school and ill tell you my answer?

that sounds great!

Ok, Goodnight Tom :)

goodnight Starship <3

Tom put his phone down and climbed into bed. He was so happy with the events of that day, it was the best sleep he had had in a couple months. Star, however, didn't get any sleep she was too busy thinking about Tom, her head filled with memories, possibilities and fears as she thought about Marco and Tom.

She wanted to go out with Tom and she wanted stuff to go to the way it used to be with them but she was scared of the past repeating it's self and scarred of making mistakes like she did in he relationship with Marco but she was excited for all the possibilities her and Tom had.

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