Chapter 16

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When Tom got Star to the emergency room she was taken straight to the doctor while Tom spoke to a police officer and told him everything that had been going on with Marco "so sir would you like to press charges?" "I'd love to but I'll have to talk to my girlfriend first..." Tom said gesturing to a very depressed, beaten, tired and hurt looking Star. "ok well.... I'll come talk to her later when she is home most likely, for now I will go speak with her Ex, Marco Diaz correct?" "yeah... that's him" just the sound of his name made Tom's blood boil "ok well I'll be on my way now good evening" the officer left, Tom went into the room and sat with Star. "ok so we are gonna do your x-rays to confirm your fractured wrist and possibly broken ribs" the doctor said before taking Star to the x-ray room.

Tom's POV

~a couple hours later~
The doctor came back with Starship, the poor thing looked so tired and in pain. "so the x-rays confirmed that she has 2 broken ribs and a fractured wrist she'll need to go to the fracture clinic to get a cast and what not, and no school for a few days. Also I would suggest getting a restraining order against the ex boyfriend...." "ok thank you doctor" I can't believe Marco hurt her like this! I swear I'll kill him if he tries anything else!

Well Star was getting her cast I was talking to Queen Moon, she wanted Star to move back to earth with the Diazs "hell no she ain't going back to that place at least not in that house" I wasn't trying to be rude but I don't want my girl getting hurt again "well we could always find another family..." nope nope nope my Starship isn't living none of this trashy earth people "or perhaps I could move to earth as well and we could get an apartment or something near school, I just want her to be safe...." "that's all i want for her too... but are you sure you would be alright and responsible?" "yes ma'am" I quite the grin on my face saying that "alright I'll have one of the servants go house hunting for you two, hopefully you'll have a place by the time Star is out of the hospital." she didn't look completely alright with the idea but it was safer than mewni... "ok well she is getting out in a few hours so I'll see if I can get her friends to go to Marco's and pack her stuff and bring it to my castle till you find us a place" "alright I'll let you know when i found a place" then Queen Moon hung up. I texted Janna to see if she could go pack Star's stuff.

Hey Janna I need a favour

Hey what do you need?

I need you to get a few people together and go to Marco's to pack the rest of Star's sruff and take it to my place could do that please?

Ya sure no problem :)

Thank you so much there should be a pair of dimensional scissors there

When we finally left the hospital it was like two in the morning. Star went and took a shower while I checked that everything was here. Thankfully this time there will be no going back they got everything. Star came out of the shower and we went to bed. We were asleep for a few hours before Star's portable mirror started ringing it was Jackie...

Star's POV

I woke because i heard my mirror ringing, I sat up to grab my mirror and answer it but Tom beat me to it "hey Jackie it's Tom...oh ya she's gonna be fine...UH HUH... ok ya I'll give her the phone" he handed me the phone and gave a soft kiss on my forehead "hey Jackie what's up" she told me about how she punched Marco and now he was stalking her outside her house "oh my god that's horrible give me one second" I put the phone to my chest "hey Tom do you think Jackie could stay with us tonight Marco is outside her house stalking her she's really upset and scared" I asked trying to sound as sweet as possible "sure, I'll get someone to prepare a guest room down the hall for her, no one should have to deal with his bullshit" I then picked the phone back up " hey I'm sorry I was just asking Tom if it would be ok if stayed over.... I don't want you to get hurt so I'll be there in a few ok?" "yeah I'll go pack a bag" then I hung up the phone and went looking for Tom's scissors so I could get Jackie.

When I showed up at Jackie's she just finishing packing a bag and leaving a note for her mom. Then we went through a portal and went back to Tom's. I took her to her room and helped her settle in before returning to Tom's room and carefully climbing into his bed. I fell asleep in his arms with the biggest smile on my face, feeling more safe than I have the past week.

Hi guys I'm sorry this chapter was way long than usual

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