Chapter 8

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The next morning Star woke up, reached to her bedside table for her phone to messaged Tom a nice 'Good morning <3' then put her phone down and got ready for school.

When she got to school see was surprised when she saw Tom standing there waiting for something. When Tom saw Star he walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, hugged her and spun her around while saying "Hey Starship". Star went so red she was practically a tomato "Morning Tom" Star sounded so surprised, nervous and a bit embarrassed "wait what are you doing here??" Star asked in confusion "I go to school here now" Tom explained with a big smile on his face "so I can spend more time with my Starship" "they let the prince of the underworld, a demon, go to school here? They barely let me go to school here!"

While the two talked Marco just stood in the background watching as the two talked. It hurt his whole being just seeing Star being happy with Tom like she was once happy with him. He couldn't do anything least without hurting star...but did he really care?

Star and Tom continued to talk until Janna saw Star and came running over saying "hey star" then she saw Tom "who's the dude with the horns and three eyes? Some kinds demon?" "JANNA BANANA, this is my friend Tom, he is the prince of the underworld, and yes he is a demon, a very cute demon!" Star explained "eww don't talk mushy that's gross. But that wicked cool that your dating a demon ill see you guys later" janna said walking off " were not dating yet but yes it's wicked cool" star yelled as janna left.

Tom's POV

So many people are looking at me I get that I have horns and three eyes but does it really draw that much attention? I guess people around here aren't really used to seeing demons. There's not really that much I could do I cant change my appearance. Whatever it doesn't really matter I'm here for Star and I don't really care what other people say...right? I guess I was looking a little nervous cause my beautiful princess reached over to hold my hand and gave a sweet little smile as if she was trying to tell me not to worry. She walked me to my first class since we only had second and third period together but not first or fourth. The classes were boring but the ones I had with Starship weren't bad cause she was there. Lunch was a lot of though fun Star and I sat with Janna, Marco and Jackie . Marco was because that was his friend group too so I guess he rather sit and be ignored than sit alone but, isn't it the exact same thing?

Marco's POV

Sitting with Star was kinda awkward at first but eventually I was talking and not feeling weird but I was only really talking with Jackie... Everything was going well until I heard Janna say something about Star and Tom dating "WHAT THE HELL I BROKE UP WITH YOU A COUPLE DAYS AGO HOW DO YOU ALREADY HAVE A BOYFRIEND? AMD WHY HIM HE'S DO STUPID AND HE'S A FEMON STAR USE YOUR HEAD FOR ONCE WOULD YA" so said full of anger and hate and just negativity. Everyone looked at me...

Normal POV

"it just happened Marco... we aren't even dating yet because I'm not ready, ok, look we can talk more about in private" Star didn't really know what to say she was holding back tears.... but, she noticed Tom was getting mad so she grabbed his hand. When she grabbed his hand he looked up at her and noticed that she was about to cry. Tom quickly pulled her into a cuddle so that if she cried she could hide her face. The sight of this infuriated young Marco.

Marco's POV

I couldn't stand the sight of the two of them together, it disgusted me to see her happy with him, a demon prince of all the different people why him? But when he pulled her into a cuddle I couldn't I got up and walked home. When I got home I started making 'Marco's super awesome nacho's' for Star when she got home. "I'm gonna get her back" I told myself... "no matter what"

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