Chapter 15

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Star didn't want to go back to Marco's house but she needed that book. She thought maybe she could ask someone else to go by and grab it so she messaged Janna.

Heeeeeeey Janna Banana! I need a favour...

Heyyyyyyyy! What you need?

I left my spell book at Marco's...... do you think you could go grab it for me? Please?!

I would love to help but I'm not in echo creek..... I'm visiting family(not by choice) sorry.

Oh...ok well thanks anyways...

Maybe Jackie could get the book since she was at Marco's take care of his injuries.

Heeeeey Jackie... i forgot my spell book at Marco's I was wondering if you could get it for me?

Jackie didn't answer and it was now night. Tom had passed out playing video games in bed so Star took it upon herself to go back to the Diaz's house and get her book. She grabbed Tom's interdimensional scissors and opened a portal to her room. It was dark lifeless, until a light turned on in the hallway and something was shuffling around but getting closer to her door. Star panicked and put down her scissors grabbed hold of the spell book but then the door began to open. She didn't feel like having a run in with Marco so she ran to the closet not realizing she had forgotten the scissors on the bed till it was to late. Marco and Jackie walked in, lips practically glued to the others, they shuffled towards Star's bed where she had left the scissors. Marco and Jackie were now on the bed, Marco rolled over and pulled the scissors out from under him "Star?" he sounded very confused, Jackie just sat there in shock "sorry Marco..." Star said as she opened the closet door "I forgot some stuff..." "no no it's ok..." "well I'll be going now..." She said reaching for her scissors ''oh? I don't know..." with one swift move Marco grabbed her arm and took her to her closet and locked the door when Star Started screaming in pain Jackie shot up and ran to the door. She pulled and hit and kicked the door but nothinh worked so he ran to Star's mirror and said "CALL TOM NOWWWWWW!" 'calling Tom...' after a few rings he picked up "tom you have to get over to Marco's right now! He's got star locked in the closet!" Jackie was waving her hands frantically "What oh my god I'll be right there" Tom hung up and couldn't find his scissor so he just used his demon powers to get there. When he arrived all he could hear was Star screaming and saying "please stop I didn't do anything!" Tom blew the door off the closet to see Marco beating Star senseless. He was furious but he put is anger aside, grabbed Star and took her to the hospital. When Tom left with Star Marco got very angry with Jackie "why did you call him!?" "because you were hurting my friend and his girlfriend! You're a monster" Marco made a fist and punched Jackie's cheek. Jackie took her fist and punched him back. Then she ran downstairs and out the door.

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