Chapter 14

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Star's POV

I woke up to a sleeping, shirtless Tom. He looked so good! One might even use the word hot to describe his muscular upper body. Anyway shirtless Tom aside, I decided to make breakfast for him to thank him for letting me stay with him. I went to the kitchen and prepared him some pancakes. I also cut up some fruit and berries to put on the side. Then I brought the food back to Tom's bedroom and woke him up. "morning Tommy! I made you a thank you for letting me stay with you!" "Starship you dint need to thank me. I much rather have you here with me and know you are safe than have you stay at his house and constantly be worrying about you... but the food is appreciated" with that he took his breakfast and I giggled "thanks Starship" he had a big smile on his face "no problem Tommy I made us lunch too!" " OH MY GOD YOU ARE AMAZING" I'm glad I made Tommy happy.

When we got to school Marco was there waiting... Tom walked ahead and started yelling at him, I couldn't quite hear what they were saying but I saw Marco's hand turn into a fist and raise to punch Tom. I ran as fast I as I could, thankfully I was fast enough... I ended getting punched in the face and falling to the ground. When Marco realized what he had done he ran over and cupped my now very red and very sore cheek in his hand. Tom pushed him off him and helped me up "thanks Tommy" i gave a sweet smile he cupped my cheek in his hand and kissed me on the forehead. Then I turned around and slapped Marco, Jackie and Janna saw what happened and tan over to me "Star are you ok?" they both asked with a look of great concern. They brought me away from Marco. "yah I'm fine don't worry. It's just a punch I'll live" then I heard someone fall to the ground. I turned around and saw Marco and Tom both on the ground with their own injuries. I looked at Jackie and we exchanged a nod before I ran to Tom and she ran to Marco. I took Tom home.

Tom had a black and a few bruises "oh Tommy, I'm so sorry you got hurt..." my head slowly tilted to face the floor "Don't you dare be sorry you didn't do anything wrong and this is nothing compared to Marco's injuries" "ok but No more fights!" Tom nodded. All I could think of was Marco...hearing that his injuries were worse made me want to cry. After all he had done to me I still cared about him. Internally I was screaming in anger an frustration with myself. I thought it better to surpress my feelings and got the lunch I had packed for myself and Tom, turned on the TV and sat down with Tom in his bed. We had a little lunch date and everything was perfect until I realized i had forgotten Glossaryck and my spell book at the Diaz household...

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