The Job

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Authors note: F/n is for first name. H/c is for your hair color as it is the color of your fur but if you want to imagine it as something different, be my guest. F/w is fave weapon since I'm nice. F/c is fave clothes or suit or what ever. Italics are for thoughts. "Quotes are for dialogue" (Parenthesis are for addressing anything that I feel should be addressed or to clear possible confusion.) Also I'll probably put little references to stuff like movies or songs and games. Oh and I just thought of it F/m stands for fave music. You belong to you,zoo topic and the respectful characters are owned by Disney and my oc's are owned by me. Just thought I'd put it out there as I felt it was important for everyone to know.

You thought it was just going to be another small,easy,quick one. It went to hell faster than hitler did, it started with you and your crew thinking it was going to be easy, after all it was a small bank. You still don't know how the cops knew you were there or how you escaped but one things for sure, you regret everything. You did not escape unscathed though, you had a gnarly gash in your right leg and a nasty concussion. You remember the gash from where a cop had missed your stomach and hit it and your concussion was from when you had dove to avoid a salvo of lead with your name on it, you hadn't had time to twist your body to land on your shoulder and knocked your head on a piece of concrete that had come off from all the shooting. Your crew had fallen back from the entrance and were running out the back door to escape. The cops had followed you so you all had sprinted away just as you turned a corner you had fallen down a manhole and worsened your concussion. The cops went right over you so you,not wanting to get caught, sat there for a while. You looked up and thanked what ever up there had saved you (sorry if you're atheist just cut that out) and began to ponder your next move. Well I need to rest and I'm too far from my apartment, I also need something to clean and bandage my gash. What the fuck am I to do? I'm stuck here and cops are searching for me and my friends, at least we wore masks. You realize it's a good idea to get rid of the mask. You just toss it into the river of.........sludge. You wait a while longer and risk being seen. Looking around you see no one and make a break for it. You get back to what would have been the get away car and drive off. You notice someone was watching you. A red fox to be exact, his green orbs watching you. SHIT HE IS A COP. You mentally scream as you notice his blue uniform. Just act damn normal OK ME. You slowly drove off paying attention to the speed limit and act as normal as you can. You chance looking back at him. He is STILL staring at you, but you realize he's smirking at you much to your own confusion. What the fuck ever, maybe he's just weird or FUCK MAYBE HE KNOWS. Shit just continue to act normal. You see him turn around and talk to someone?. Maybe he has a partner or something. You finally get back to your apartment and fix your leg up in the bathroom You make a doctors appointment for the concussion and go to your bed, eventually  collapsing in it from exhaustion. What a terrible day. You relax a bit by watching some tv. When you start to tire you listen to music and accidentally fall asleep to it. You wake up sore and hurting from last night. After this you get up and take Advil to deal with the pain of your leg and your head. Making some breakfast occupies you and reenergizes you somewhat. You turn on the tv to see the news reporting about the standoff they had with you and the crew. They don't know who you are thankfully and you relax even more without the stress of cops on you 24/7. You remember your doctors appointment and go to it. He asks you how this all happened and you told him you were working at a shop and fell, on the way down you hit your head on a pice of machinery and something sharp caught your leg and gave it the gash. He gave you what you needed and told you to take it easy for a while as you may worsen it. You left happy that everything was turning out. You decided some xbox would be fun (yeah fuck you pic and ps gamers XBOX IS SUPREME) and started playing. "Dammit," you say as you die from a giant rad scorpion "I thought the varmit rifle would have done more." You turned it off and sat there thinking. What was your group to do now? You called your best friend out of them. "Sup" he said. "Hey Mark," you reply. "You got any odd jobs?" "Uhhh yea actually, got a Hit kind of job. It's a guy by the name of Julius Gardner. He is a known PMC contractor so you'll be needing the big stuff. He's got military grade stuff since he is, after all, a leader of PMC (it's like a private military you can hire). He's also a Grizzly bear, rides around in a limo, guys rich as hell too. It pays 20k since he's a pretty big player. You game?" "Hell yeah I'm game." You call Mitch and tell him you need a driver as well as a couple other people for a hit. "I'll be right over," he says then hangs up. You wait outside for them. He shows up and you all get in the jeep. "Zootopia is a big place you know," the panther says. "So?" says Brig, a macho wolf not too far from looking,like the h/c wolf you are. "Don't you think I know what I'm doing? He's going to really be the loser,,hell be lying snow blind, I mean dead in the sun," replies Mark. "Well fuck off and let's get this guy," you reply while getting slightly pissed at them. You pull up in a more desolate side of town where all the gangs and others like them are about. You spot the limo and drive up behind it. You pull out your f/w and aim. The limo speeds off. "FUCK after him!"you yell. Mark speeds after him. "The war machine keeps turning eh?"You say as you begin shooting at the driver to leave Julius exposed. You successfully do so and the limo crashes into a wall. He gets out, pulls an AR out and begins firing. Gangs see this and come in to watch. They eventually start shooting eachother and it ends up to be a massive shoot out. The cops show up turning the scene into a warzone.Julius died long ago with you as the killer. Now you're just trying to survive with all you fellow animals shooting eachother to nothing but giblets and paste. You notice that same red fox as yesterday and a bunny next to him, they are currently fighting the Crimson killers in a firefight. You kill most of the, since you don't necessarily hate the cops right now and they kind of are helping you, mind you by drawing away fire and killing people. You notice the red fox look at you and smile, his eyes thanking you and cursing you, thanking for lightening the load and for causing the whole affair. You see the glint of excitement in his eyes as you do as well, your blood rushing like a flood of adrenaline which is currently coursing through your body and mind. You haven't had this much fun since some recently former marines had a gunfight with you, the cops and the very same gangs now. It was a lot more exciting due to the marines strength and training making them deadly. You still remember how you got some of your scars from that. The gunfire stops suspiciously and a breeze blows by, rustling your h/c fur. Your ears ring from the constant gunfire. The gangs are now backing off eachother and everyone else. You now realize a news chopper was flying over head recording the whole ordeal You're glad Mark thought ahead and covered the license plate. You all load up in the jeep and speed off. The cops try and follow but can't as Mark drives like a Tokyo drifter and loses them. Mark contacts the hirer and collects the money, splitting it among you. He drops you all off at your cribs and heads to his. Man.... being a criminal is both fun and dangerous, but hey it pays well. You sit on the couch and watch the news report on what went down. You laugh at how they phrase things, "A standoff" and "Controlled shootout" or even how they said "the police had it under control." The amount of bull they say makes you laugh so hard you fall of the couch giggling. It switches to that damned fox talking about it and describing it gently. "Fucking snowflakes that can't handle a little gore," you say disappointed he didn't go into detail. (Oh and sorry if I'm portraying myself onto yourself if that makes any sense? That would be my thoughts on that matter and probs not yours so yeah.) "eh maybe some battlefield one will take my mind off it," you say and boot your Xbox up. The people who were currently chatting with you starting talking about your exploits unknowingly. You silently smirk to yourself as they admire you and wish they could be a badass like you. You get off when it turns midnight (unlike the time I'm writing this at this moment it's 1:00 in the morning. :( the stuff i do and HALY SHIT DEM WORDS I'm at 1682 with these very words.) You go to bed and drift off into your dreams. The cop appears in your dreams in a rather interesting way, let's just say it ended with you waking in a sticky and small puddle. End. Fin or whatever anyways I'm tired so yeah goodnight or day.

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