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Something bothered you when you awoke from your slumber. Wait, what did he say yesterday!? Do you have powers TOO!? He does have powers? That explains the shurikans and the random sword! Woah, I'm living with some kind of superhero? That's crazy! The next quandary was why it felt like a big something was pressing down on you. You slowly opened both eyes and raised your eyebrows at the sight before you. You were being cuddled by two people even though you were still caked in blood. Wow, even through the smell of metal they did that. Desperate? Who knows, I just hope Nick and Finnick are ok. Knock Knock. The door sounded off its tell take sign of a visitor. You slowly lifted the cuddles heads and set them down on the floor as if they were made of crystal. You made sure to be quiet in opening the door as well. What you were greeted with surprised you. There they were in wheel chairs and bandaged up, one with a shit eating grin and the other with a 70 and grumpy look.

"Hey good looking, like the new get up?"

"Nick, what am I going to do with you?"

"I can tell ya, dumping him out of that chair. Wouldn't shut up."

"Hey you had better be careful speaking like that! Might end up like that poor bastard that got Nick, wouldn't want to see our organs getting ripped out and thrown about by some monstrous man now would we?" You saw them both cringe and Finnick seemed to turn whiter than a piece of cotton. Nick turned a bit green and covered his mouth.

"Uhh, Finnick? You okay?" Nick seemed worried about him, Finnick just stared in the distance, his eyes not blinking. Did I break him or something? Uh no, well it was nice knowing him?

Just thought I'd warn you again as Y/N will talk about how he is going to torture someone so if you aren't into that then I'd skip this next piece.

"Hey just a joke! Anyway I'd really like to see the leader of my old cell bleed! I want to nail their limbs onto a rough, splintery wooden chair and watch as they flail about in fear and pain. They'll be screaming for their mom and I'll shut them up by cutting their little fingers off and shoving them down their throat! While they waste air and slowly suffocate I'll take a knife and slowly and roughly carve designs into thief flesh, loving the sight of them squirm and scream without avail! Then I'll take hydrochloride acid, pour it into the freshly opened wounds while holding the dripping knife in my hand. Watching as it mixes with their seeping blood that now bubbles and reacts with it and their eyes tear up wishing for it to end, but it won't! Their bubbling blood running out and forming a pool around them. Then I'll take a razor wire covered bat and beat them with it, the wire tearing their muscles and the bat bludgeoning them. I'll use my claws to rip open their legs, pouring salt along the way to make it burn so good! Then , my personal favorite, a glowing drill drilling through the flesh and throat he bone! The whirring and the crunching music to my ears! The bit will also cauterize the wounds so they won't lose more blood then they already are! Take a wrench and rip,out their teeth, using them to stab and cut them up! Unless they don't have sharp teeth. Then I'll think of something else but moving on! Let's see, what more could I do? Cut hire ears and toes off, plugging the holes with the toes? Yeah! Pure ecstasy is what it is to me! Their limp body being destroyed as well as their mind in the last moments, they question why they deserve this but I know why! Before thy die I'll run a hot pics of rebar along their arms, just becuse! And when they die painfully I'll let it just rot and leave it to the elements. No respectful burial or peace for their soul, a ceaseless wandering for it! Hahahaha! Man is it going to feel good, their fear fueling my furious appetite for it! The unimaginable and pounding confusion and search for escape! Yet they never find it, even in death. It is so perfect and well crafted! This is all after I show them how much of a useless, miserable, idiotic and failure that they are! That is of course even after I kill her goons in horrific ways! Whooooo! I can feel it already! Yesterday was just the beginning of it all! Ha Hahahaha!

What a Charmer. Nick Wilde x Male wolf reader! (Discontinued!)Where stories live. Discover now