Shaky beginings

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You awoke feeling.......feeling.....feeling what? You just sat there in the darkness of the room. You feel yourself getting worried again. Where's my bag? You find it next your bed and pull out a blunt. The natural herbs helped. You only used them if you felt yourself freaking out or were about to. You opened the window and lit one. It wen relentless smooth and exited smooth. You had opened the window at to not either get the others high, wake them from the smoke and because it was polite. When it turned into nothing but a roach you flicked it away into the night. Staring out the window, you searched for something, anything that could give away a hidden danger. The herbs don't mess with you like others. It does calm you but it also focuses your mind and your body. There he was, his huge body giving him away. His dark fur glistening in the night. You waved toward him and watched as he disappeared again. Hehe, oh mind you. Always tricking me into seeing what could be or couldn't be real. Wait, that never happens. Your mind wasn't what it normally is,putting things where they shouldn't be, hearing things that didn't exist, feeling things that couldn't be felt. You didn't know if you were slipping away right now or if that cig was filled with something else. What did I smoke? It isn't weed, that's for sure. You check the blintz and notice there is a mushroom in a couple of them. Shrooms? I guess smoking them can do it too, just not all the colors and stuff. You sat on the couch and waited it out. It felt like years before they began to wear off. What time is it? It had to have been at least a couple of hours. You went over to the microwave to see what time it showed. 3:00AM!? That a means it was around 11:00 to 2:00 when I smoked. Shit, looks like no sleep like all those other nights. I should see how I look, been way too long since I have. You went to the bathroom and stared in the mirror only to see some raggedy wolf staring back. I need a trim. You set to work with the scissors, snipping this and that and eventually you looked decent. Ok, what about my beard? You trimmed it up and actually looked good now. Sure, you weren't wearing custom tailored suits but still looked nice, even with a cut up shirt and pants that looked like they had been through World War One. You also didn't look as wolffish as you used to, there was something off about you. You did look like a wolf but not a normal one, you had a certain look, a certain aurora about you that made you look fiercer and more defined as a beast than before. You shrugged it off and went back by the window. You decided to merely watch the sun rise out that window, a slight breeze flowing through your fur. The orange ball of gaseous fire rising out of the teenage and infinite blackness of the vacuum known as space. The first piercing rays of light warming your face. It had been a long time since you've had a chance to feel something like this. You go into the other room and find it has a balcony door. Sweet, I'll hang out there. It was a small personal balcony, large enough for only three or four people. You sighed knowing you had wasted a good bit of your life on hopeless treasures and fame, imaginary money and women, all the work you had done and what had it come to? Nothing, you had nothing, no house, no money, no friends,no family, no business, no car, no clothes. What am I to do? I'm getting older and haven't got anything set up and probably won't get a job. I'll just be a sad moocher and I don't want that. I'll have to ask Nick about a new job. Maybe I can get a new start? They think me me is dead so a new name and everything will set me on a new path. Maybe now I'll be fighting for the law instead of against it. Nice change of pace to be seen as a hero instead of the villain. Then again, heroes and villains is a matter of perspective. The villain may think he is the hero and has good intentions but it doesn't always turn out how he wants. You hear lot footsteps behind you.

"Standing alone out here pal? Thinking or just enjoying the sun?"

"Little of both."

"What are you thinking of?"


"I know what I'm thinking of, how I'm going to get some good cash."

"I'd be carful about being a criminal."

What a Charmer. Nick Wilde x Male wolf reader! (Discontinued!)Where stories live. Discover now