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Hehehe, Nick is still asleep. Guess I have time for thinking everything through now. They really need to stomach it up though, get some blood on their hands. I just want them to be able to do it if I'm not here, I can't always protect them. They are like children as well, staring at whatever and not focusing on whats important. Hell its all justified isn't it? We needed the money for survival,debt and for medical reasons so ends justify the means. Now what to do about our little Tumulus, wait he's in our apartment right? Oh shit! You jump out of bed and look for the husky in question. He's still passed out on the couch thank goodness. Oh fuck, that was scary for a second. Shit would've hit the fan and it wouldn't have been pretty. Plus I don't think the others would like to wake up to a corpse in the room.  Well, they need to get used to death honestly. I mean look at me,I'm healthy,sane,tough and am a money maker, don't flinch at gore or death and actually create it unlike those cur who couldn't harm a fly. They need to wake up and smell the rotting bodies, need to realize that life isn't easy and that you've got to do these things as its either them or you right? It isn't sunshine and rainbows like they seem to think, it's burning buildings and screaming animals. I mean come on, they couldn't even just finish off that one guy who was split in half! It isn't that hard to stomp brains onto the ground. Then there's that pussy fluffy. Both of them in fact. They need to stop being such little cowards and learn to at least hurt someone, seriously! It's annoying to see them act all goody two shoes and innocent all the time, makes me sick. I don't understand the people around me at all, they can't just figure out how to kill can they? Pff, life is life whether it's taking it or giving it or living it. I mean that last heist was terrible! I had to finish off that one guy for them and kill the security guard for them and kill that raccoon for them and drag them into the vault and deal with that kid who tried to play hero for them and deal with Tumulus. If that ain't holding their hand I don't know what is. Then Finnick was just the driver, that's it so if he brags about his part I'll point that out to him as a friendly reminder. Jeez I need to talk to them about how to live the new lifestyle,the greenies that they are. I don't think they understand the concept,the execution and the reasons why. Well I need to get dressed and a shower would feel good. Yeah, let's do that. You walked back into the room and grabbed some clothes from the drawers, turned the shower on and waited for it to get hot. About 2 minutes later you tested it with your hand and it seemed warm enough. After the revitalizing shower that made sure you didn't smell like sweat,blood and rot you dressed and waited for Nick to wake up. The bed seemed like a good place to wait so you parked yourself and prepared yourself to deal with Nick. This is going to be fun. His groaning and the movement of blankets alerted you to his arrival to the real world.

"Y/N what are you doing," he asks in a tired voice.

"Waiting for you silly. Now when you've gotten dressed and woken up completely come back as we need to talk."

"Yeah we do, alrighty well getting dressed is first then coffee is second."

"Sadly it seems you've only gotten those priorities straight." He gives you a glare at this comment.

"Whatever let me wake up first." You roll your eyes at him. The 20 minute wait was like the annoying one you get when a restaurant is too full and they give you the little buzzer to wait in impatience. The you sit there and wonder why you chose a place you knew was going to be filled and question your choices for the day. When he finally did come back in and sit opposite of you a feeling of everything being held together by a thin strand of string strangely still doing its job was forced on you.

"So....there needs to be some kind of change."

"Yes! You need to stop being so controlling and trying to make everyone be like you!"

"We'll look at me! I'm sorry to say Nick but being like me keeps you alive and it keeps you paid."

"Keeps you paid and alive? How many times have you almost died?"

What a Charmer. Nick Wilde x Male wolf reader! (Discontinued!)Where stories live. Discover now