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"Aw fuck, that hurts,"you say as you try to get up off the cold,damp,slimy,rugged floor of the sewer.  Not to mention it smelt terribly, you hadn't noticed it until your adrenaline had gone away and you had gotten some sort of rest. Yesterday had left you feeling depressed and angry, depressed for your loss of Nick and angry for the same. You two had fought and it felt as if he thought of you as some deranged man who needed to be put away. This was just an old lesson learned, don't trust people. Never trust anyone completely, they'll just betray you. Don't give in, don't you dare quit so easily. Five all you got on your soul. I have to keep fighting, I've made up my mind. You got up despite the pain and looked around for another exit as you didn't want or risk being seen at the very location you just fought those SWAT officers. It's really weird that they did that, it doesn't seem like protocol. To just go out and kill? I would think they would barge in the door and try to arrest me, maybe they aren't standard SWAT officers. Anti-terrorism unit? Maybe, hell if I know. Which is nothing right now besides I need ammo, some more guns and a new place to stay. Shit, I left that suit at the old place. I'll have to get it after this is over, but it's time to find out who sent hose officers after me, my heartbreak over Nick can wait. You stand up for a while just to help assure yourself that you can stand up. You hold up and risk a ate forward, your legs don't give out so you take another and another and another and another so soon enough you bring up the pace until you can run in the sewers. It's hard because of how slippery the ground is but you still manage. You take another look around and see something peculiar, a small chrome case with a carry handle and everything. Some rust has covered it but it looks untouched. You take it with you and try to think of somewhere to go and what's in the case. Let's focus on the first one, how about George? He knows science and his place is heavily fortified and secluded. It's perfect! He lives in the Tundra right? Yeah, see you there! The trudge to Tundra town wasn't bad as the sewer had signs surprisingly, probably for maintenance workers to use for directions. When you exited it you instantly ran towards the direction of George's house. When you arrive at the "house" you buzz the intercom. A voice crackles over.

"Who are you?"

"It's F/N and I'm calling in a favor."

"What? I thought you died? That piece of concrete hit you in the face and I swore I saw you get flattened. Well come in and tell me what you need hoss!"

"Thanks George," you say as his barbed and electric fence opens for you. You enter the "house" with its thick, impenetrable walls and fray, smooth surface. The concrete really held up. So did his supply of ammo, explosives, cameras and Intel. It really surprised you what a prepped and paranoid ocelot George was, but it didn't matter as it always came in hand. So does that mean he really is paranoid? I guess not, just smart and resourceful. Just like yourself, the many times a stick and rock have helped you is uncountable. He let's you and and sits you down on a couch.

"So why did you come here?"

"I need a hide out for a while, some SWAT guys who don't follow protocol or anti-terrorist groups are after me."

"Really? You sure they could be anti-terrorist?"

"I didn't know Normal SWAT carried automatic rifles,really heavy ballistic armor, or had armored trucks."

"Holy shit, you big time now or something?"

"I guess, it weird, really weird. It all started after a bank job went bad," you say and tell the epic tale of what's happened in the last week. He seems surprised about the whole Nick situation.

"Hope it works itself out. Probably won't but you can still hope, still try. It isn't lost yet. So you need to stay here because of all that? You are welcome to stay. After all you do have a billion favors hanging over me so it's some kind of repayment."

What a Charmer. Nick Wilde x Male wolf reader! (Discontinued!)Where stories live. Discover now